A Briefing on Denmark
The next 25 min. Geography History Politics Economy Military Religion Education Every Day Life My life in Denmark
Geography Area sq. km. 16,368 sq. miles More than 400 Islands km Coastline. Flat landscape Capital: Copenhagen Autonomous Regions: Greenland and the Faeroe Islands.
Language Official language: Danish. Understand Norwegian and Swedish. English widely understood and spoken. German widely comprehended.
Faroe Islands
Geography Greenland
History Vikings Conquered England 1397Unification of Denmark, Norway and Sweden 1658Loss of Sweden 1814Loss of Norway 1864Loss of Schleswig-Holstein German occupation Joined UN and NATO 1973Joined EC (later EU)
1397 AD
1658 AD
1814 AD
1921 AD
World’s Oldest Monarchy Direct line of 54 monarchs with ancestral links stretching back 1000 years. –Gorm the Oldd. 940 –Harald Bluetooth –Margrethe I –Christian IV –Frederik VII –Margrethe IIsince 1972
Photos by Steen Evald & Steen Brogaard
Government Constitutional monarchy. Constitution from 1849: Monarchy and Parliament joint legislative authority. Parliament: “Folketinget”; 179 members. Elections at least every four years. (min. age 18 years).
Constitution Signed by King Frederik VII on June 5th Stating: –Influence by vote. –Liberty of political and religious convictions. –Liberty of speech and writing. Any changes: National referendum
Constitution (continued) Shared power –Executive authority: The Government –Legislative authority: The Parliament –Judicial authority: The Courts of justice
Current Situation Seven parties in “Folketinget”. Coalition Government - headed by the Modern Liberals (Venstre). Opposition by Social Democrats and others.
Economy Traditionally agricultural – farms - “ Danish bacon ” –3.300 boats/ fishermen Industry : –Shortage of Natural resources –Mainly light industry, like furniture, medical goods, beer, and toys. –Furthermore North Sea Oil and Shipping.
Economy (continued) Inflation less than 2%. Unemployment about 4%. High living standards + high taxes
Defense Forces: –Royal Danish Army. –Royal Danish Air Force. –Royal Danish Navy. 34,000 in peacetime. 85,000 in event of war. Additional 66,000 in the Home Guard.
Religion Lutheran Church. Automatic enrollment on birth. 92% are members of the state church. Normal church attendance low - less than 5%. Great tolerance towards most other religious groups.
Education Compulsory schooling, ten years. English from fourth grade. After basic schooling: –2/3 : Practical Training. –1/3 : Secondary schools. 5 universities: –Oldest :Copenhagen from 1479.
Danish Society Traditionally agricultural and fishing Mainly light industry Social welfare has high priority –public health system free of charge –state pension for everybody over 67 –insurance scheme for unemployed 1/3 of total expenditure to social welfare
Every Day Life Common names: ……sen. Average lifetime: Male 71 years and female 77 years. 30,000 marriages yearly (about 50% divorces). Main sports: Soccer and Handball. Values of life: –Jokes on parliament and taxes. –Family celebrations. –Danish “hygge”.
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