By Jason Craft
Portrait of Horace Mann
Horace Mann was born on May 4, 1796 in Franklin, Massachusetts He died on August 32, 1859 in Yellow Springs, Ohio Mann chose to go to Litchfield Law School at Brown University After his graduation he became a Educator and a U.S. Representative He became a U.S. Representative to help promote education Short Biography
Horace Mann wanted education to be available and equal for everyone, rich or poor, part of the birth-right of every single American child One of his primary goals was to have “social harmony” in every school Mann thought that if there was a common school, it would help in many different ways like, there would be less violence, the crime rate would go down, etc. The common school was to be believed as if there was no end to the social good that it would bring Interests
Works He wanted to create a school that was fair to all children no matter what and he accomplished that. In the U.S. Horace Mann has 13 schools named after him
Creating a common school for all kinds of children Becoming a U.S. Representative Being the Secretary of Education since it was created Accomplishments
“Be Ashamed to Die Until You Have Won Some Victory for Humanity” “Let us not be content to wait and see what will happen, but give us the determination to make the right things happen” “Seek not greatness, but seek truth and you will find both” Quotes
Horace Mann wanted kids to learn the principle of being fair and having a common ground between all of them no matter what their differences may be He helped children in poverty to be able to go to school to get an education and be equal with the others while in school Horace Mann was a very successful man. He has 13 schools named after him in the U.S. as of today Impact on the Public
1. What political role did Horace Mann have during his lifetime? 2. How many schools in the U.S. were named after Horace Mann? 3. What was Horace Mann’s drive behind creating a school school that was equal? 4. How many political roles did Horace Mann have while he was still alive? 5. Horace Mann wanted children to have what in the school that he was trying to establish. Quiz Questions
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