Football Physical Education By Arshia Jain 8c
Origin Football originated from England in 1863, when the official Football Rules were set and the first official game between Scotland and England was played in Although, feet and ball games were played much earlier, some of the earliest know date back to Ancient China almost 3000 years ago. In the early 19 th Centaury only nobles played football, gradually the game caught on and everyone began to play.Football originated from England in 1863, when the official Football Rules were set and the first official game between Scotland and England was played in Although, feet and ball games were played much earlier, some of the earliest know date back to Ancient China almost 3000 years ago. In the early 19 th Centaury only nobles played football, gradually the game caught on and everyone began to play.
Rules The first organized set of rules were made in England by Cambridge University in These rules were very influential to the modern rules today, they were called the Cambridge Rules. These efforts contributed to The Football Association in 1863, better known now as the FA.The first organized set of rules were made in England by Cambridge University in These rules were very influential to the modern rules today, they were called the Cambridge Rules. These efforts contributed to The Football Association in 1863, better known now as the FA.
Where Football is a national sport Football is a national sport in over 60 nations. Regionally: South America, Western Europe, South East Asia, Middle East. Even though Football originates from England, Football is not considered the national sport, although less popular, cricket is considered that national sport of England.Football is a national sport in over 60 nations. Regionally: South America, Western Europe, South East Asia, Middle East. Even though Football originates from England, Football is not considered the national sport, although less popular, cricket is considered that national sport of England.
Popularity I think that Football has become very popular around the world because of the many different joys it brings to different people. For example, I love the game of Football because it is the game I grew up with and I enjoy watching how the talent and the beautiful game progresses over the years. I think that one of the reasons football has become so popular around the world is because it brings a lot of talent out in people, it is a sport that everyone can enjoy and participate in, whether you prefer playing or watching, football can tie the whole family together. Another reason for its popularity would be how it is a very low budget game. Football does not require much more than a ball, therefore this enables anyone with a passion or some free time the ability to play. Apart from the Olympics, which is held every 4 years, there are not that many sports where every country has the chance to participate, in Football even the poorest of countries are able to apply in the World Cup, (a tournament held every 4 years in different parts of the world) there are many talents across the globe but due to certain disadvantages in the financial areas, some countries cannot afford to make large sports teams. This does not mean that the FA officials do not give them a chance to apply. In conclusion, the talent, chances and low budget costs, are all reasons why Football has become such a popular sport around the world.I think that Football has become very popular around the world because of the many different joys it brings to different people. For example, I love the game of Football because it is the game I grew up with and I enjoy watching how the talent and the beautiful game progresses over the years. I think that one of the reasons football has become so popular around the world is because it brings a lot of talent out in people, it is a sport that everyone can enjoy and participate in, whether you prefer playing or watching, football can tie the whole family together. Another reason for its popularity would be how it is a very low budget game. Football does not require much more than a ball, therefore this enables anyone with a passion or some free time the ability to play. Apart from the Olympics, which is held every 4 years, there are not that many sports where every country has the chance to participate, in Football even the poorest of countries are able to apply in the World Cup, (a tournament held every 4 years in different parts of the world) there are many talents across the globe but due to certain disadvantages in the financial areas, some countries cannot afford to make large sports teams. This does not mean that the FA officials do not give them a chance to apply. In conclusion, the talent, chances and low budget costs, are all reasons why Football has become such a popular sport around the world.
Styles of football Football around the world is better known as Soccer or English Football, this is due to the American sport Football being completely different and the American term for classic football being changed to Soccer (although the term used varies as it depends on the common phrase of each region). Around the world there are different ways to play football, for example the rules of Australian Football, Canadian Football and American Football are all very different to the original Football. Football is a sport where two teams compete to score the most goals using their feet, this is the style played professionally around the world, but this does not mean it the only way you can play. Things such as how many players on each side can vary, the area you play and rules can be adapted to suit your options. Street Football is not an actual sport, but it is the name given to Football played by youngsters who don’t have the option of playing on a proper pitch. Therefore, there are many different styles of football, all have been adapted from the original, but some have been more altered than others.Football around the world is better known as Soccer or English Football, this is due to the American sport Football being completely different and the American term for classic football being changed to Soccer (although the term used varies as it depends on the common phrase of each region). Around the world there are different ways to play football, for example the rules of Australian Football, Canadian Football and American Football are all very different to the original Football. Football is a sport where two teams compete to score the most goals using their feet, this is the style played professionally around the world, but this does not mean it the only way you can play. Things such as how many players on each side can vary, the area you play and rules can be adapted to suit your options. Street Football is not an actual sport, but it is the name given to Football played by youngsters who don’t have the option of playing on a proper pitch. Therefore, there are many different styles of football, all have been adapted from the original, but some have been more altered than others.
bibliography Pillai, By Maya. "Where Did Soccer Originate." Buzzle Web Portal: Intelligent Life on the Web. Web. 04 Dec By Maya. "Where Did Soccer Originate." Buzzle Web Portal: Intelligent Life on the Web. Web. 04 Dec "Football." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 03 Dec Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 03 Dec " - How Many Countries Is Football a National Game." WikiAnswers - The Q&A Wiki. Web. 28 Nov _national_game" - How Many Countries Is Football a National Game." WikiAnswers - The Q&A Wiki. Web. 28 Nov _national_game _national_game _national_game Creative Commons Search. Web. 06 Dec Creative Commons Search. Web. 06 Dec