Main slide Colchicum seeds. Names. Description and origin. Constituents. Therapeutic uses. (toxicity and S/E) Drugs. Cotton seeds. Uses of cotton oil. Absorbent Cotton.
COLCHICUM Main slide
Pink flowers Fruit form capsule (3celled) which contain 3 dark reddish brown seeds Corm Main slide
Fruit form capsule (3celled) Main slide
Colchicum seeds Semina Colchici Colchicum autamnale Family : Liliaceae Main slide
The fruit form capsule (three celled ) which contain 3 seeds. Perennial herb . The fruit form capsule (three celled ) which contain 3 seeds. The seeds color dark reddish brown . Odorless. Taste : unpleasant & bitter . Origin : Black Sea regions Europe & USA Main slide
Chemical constituents Alkaloid (proto-alkaloid or alkaloidal amine group ) COLCHICINE O.8% While corm contains 0.6% colchicine . Main slide
The medical uses Relief the pains and inflammations caused by acute gout . Treatment of Mediterranean Fever Relief of rheumatism pains. Anti cancer .
Side effects: nausea, vomiting & diarrhea. In large doses very toxic which cause death from failure of the respiration . Side effects: nausea, vomiting & diarrhea. Gout : hyperuricemia leads to deposits of sodium urate crystals in joints & kidney these crystals caused pain and inflammations . Main slide
Drugs Colchicine® – 0.5mg tablets Rafa company: three tablets daily Main slide
yellow flowers brown or black seeds Fruit form capsule 3-5 celled Main slide
Cotton seeds Gossypium hirsutum Gossypium herbaceum Family : Malvaceae Main slide
Description and Origin G .herbaceum :Annual herbaceous plant with yellow flowers and white hairs . G . hirsutum.: perennial small trees . The fruit :(capsule) 3-5 celled . Seeds color is brown or black . Origin: Egypt and India. Main slide
1.Cotton seeds oil (fixed oil ) 2. Phenolic substances : Chemical constituents 1.Cotton seeds oil (fixed oil ) 2. Phenolic substances : ( Gossypol) which decrease males fertility . Main slide
Cosmetics : soap ,hair creams & skin creams . Uses of cotton oil Cosmetics : soap ,hair creams & skin creams . Oil injection : as solvent for certain kinds of drugs . Food in Vietnam, India & China. Main slide
Absorbent Cotton White and soft hairs consist of cellulose . Uses : Surgical dressing . Absorbent for blood and mucus . Main slide