Zodiac Constellations
The Zodiac A group of 12 (13) constellations found on either side of the ecliptic Appear as background of the sun , moon and planets throughout the season Basis of astrology
How Can I remember them? Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpius Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
Here’s How : The Ram Bull Twins Crab Liverish Scaly Scorpions Are Good Water Fish
Why? Sometimes it’s easier to remember a nonsense verse than a bunch of unfamiliar terms.
Aries- the ram
Taurus- the bull
Gemini- the twins
Cancer- the crab
Leo- the lion
Virgo- the virgin goddess
Libra- the scales of justice
Scorpius- the scorpion
Ophiuchus – the serpent holder
Sagittarius- the archer
Capricorn- the goat
Aquarius- the water carrier
Pisces- the fishes
Orion – the hunter
Here are the drawings:
And more:
What constellation is in this painting?
The Moon in this Week’s Sky Look for the moon around 8pm It will pass under the constellation Leo Look for the backwards question mark Look for the bright star Regulus and the planet MARS