Environmental Management Systems The ISO 14000 Approach Initial Environmental Review & Gap Analysis Presented by: NC Division of Pollution Prevention and Environmental Assistance
Initial Planning Purpose is to integrate environmental management into regular operations/activities No one way to do ISO 14001 EMS Key is finding out what works for you within broad limits of ISO 14001 Take full advantage of existing systems and programs * NSF 2001
Keys To Success EPA EMS Pilot Program for Government Entities http://www.p2pays.org/ref/06/05762.pdf Keys to Success pages 55-57: Top management commitment and support is essential to the success of the EMS process Organizations who build on existing organizational processes and procedures are more successful than those who create new EMS elements The Implementation Team is pivotal to the success of the EMS program Employee awareness, understanding and involvement in the EMS should extend across the entire organization and be recognized as an organizational priority
Conducting Initial Review Allows EMS team to get their “feet wet” Begin identifying environmental aspects Collect information on existing environmental management: legal and other requirements operational procedures previous non-compliance, NOVs, local env. concerns. budget planning process environmental records storage Emergency response procedures A time for EMS team members to begin asking questions about how their current management of environmental issues operates.
4.3.1 Environmental Aspects Identify environmental aspects Environmental Aspect: element of an organizations activities, products , or services that can interact with the environment (See ISO 14001 Annex A – A.3.1) Locate and collect information on frequency and volume of waste generated methods of control (control equipment, procedures) violations, non-compliances, environmental emergencies, local concerns This is a preliminary step to the process of aspects and impacts analysis and significance determination. Gets team member to start thinking about the wastes generated in their areas or positive env. activities. Make sure all areas of organization are covered. Aspects are primarily things that leave the fenceline and you should consider emissions to air, releases to water, waste management, contamination of land, use of raw material and natural resources, other local/community issues. Additional information will prove useful during the significance determination procedure
4.3.2 Legal & Other Requirements Not just permits http://www.p2pays.org/iso/tools/legal.htm http://www.p2pays.org/iso/tools/manuals.htm Federal and State voluntary programs MOM, SGP, etc. Local restrictions/requirements solid waste disposal bans water conservation restrictions emergency management Business standards and contracts ISO 14001 Contracts – do you have business contracts that have environmental specifications within? I.e. you may require contract workers or suppliers to abide by certain environmental requirements through the implementation of your EMS.
4.3.2 Legal & Other Requirements Consider making a chart to track existing legal & other requirements Permits, external audits, reporting etc. May want to include: required by, frequency, responsible party, location, retention time Consider status reports on requirements Compliance status report
4.3.2 Legal & Other Requirements Determine how to keep up-to-date on legal requirements Various tools could be used – Subscription service that tracks environmental regulations Trade journals Attend environmental regulation update seminars by public or private agencies Coordination with corporate environmental staff Working relationship with regulators Determine how new regulatory information will be communicated to affected employees
4.3.3 Objectives & Targets 4.3.4 Env. Management Program Determine the existing budgeting process used by the organization Process of selecting annual objectives and targets should occur so that essential resources can be budgeted to assure progress is made
4.4.2 Training, Awareness, & Competence Identify current environmental related training What does it cover When does it occur Who receives it Who provides it 4.4.3 Communication Identify the existing process for handling communications from external interested parties related to environmental issues
4.4.6 Operational Control Locate existing operating procedures that relate to products, activities, or services with environmental aspects Maintenance work orders Operation manuals for environmental related equipment. Written procedures Locate existing contracts with suppliers, waste handlers, and contract workers
4.4.7 Emergency Preparedness & Response Locate existing emergency response plans 4.5.1 Monitoring and Measuring Identify existing environmental performance indicators Locate list of calibrated equipment Identify current process for evaluating compliance
4.5.2 Nonconformance & Corrective / Preventative Action Determine current procedure for addressing environmental related problems. 4.5.3 Records Identify following issues related to existing environmental records (See ISO 14001 Annex A – A.5.3) Types Location Retention times
4.6 Management Review Identify current schedule for management meetings
Gap Analysis Compares EMS with requirements of ISO 14001 Allows EMS team to assess progress and plan future actions Effective tool for updating upper management on progress Global Environmental Management Initiative ISO 14001 Self Assessment Checklist http://www.gemi.org/ISO_111.pdf Condensed GEMI checklist
Scheduling Provides roadmap for management elements to be addressed Consider including in the schedule: EMS team meeting dates Management review dates Governmental EMS training dates Potential external review dates Gap analysis review periods