CJAB LEAP Discussion Information Sharing Conflict With LEAP Interlocal Agreement November 11, 2011CJAB LEAP Discussion1
LEAP Overview Law Enforcement Analysis Portal (LEAP) sponsored by North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) Interjurisdictional Database with Crime Link Analysis & Case Closure Tools Interlocal Agreement with 28 Law Enforcement Agencies Unresolved Technical Issues and Cost for utilizing access tools (software) Does not have an information sharing relationship and model with DPS (TDEX), therefore, has no informational relationship with DOJ (NDEx) Interlocal agreement with Dallas County (DC) is for AIS information Currently, LEAP’s request for DCIM information is in conflict with DCIM information sharing initiative with agency’s DCIM Interlocal MOU. Without law enforcement agency approval, we can’t release any information November 11, 2011CJAB LEAP Discussion2
Exhibit 1 – LEAP Processing Overview November 11, 2011CJAB LEAP Discussion3
DCIM Information Sharing In January 2009 Dallas County Incident Module (DCIM) Interlocal MOU was approved by Commissioners Court Provides county-wide law enforcement information sharing database and electronic booking and case filing at no cost to local agencies Provides a savings of 250,000 to 350,000 hours to local law enforcement agencies on an annual basis through electronic case filing alone. Currently, DCIM Interlocal MOU executed with law enforcement agencies represents 85% of all booking, arrests, and cases filed in Dallas County Providing TDEx law enforcement information interface to TX DPS Provides DOJ (NDEx) NIEM standards/compliance through DCIM DC-DEx Initiative is Grant-funded through JAG & JIS (Justice Information Sharing) November 11, 2011CJAB LEAP Discussion4
Exhibit 2 - DCIM Overview With Leap Primary Interface November 11, 2011CJAB LEAP Discussion5
Exhibit 3 - DCIM Overview With Leap Interface November 11, 2011CJAB LEAP Discussion6
Summary Reasons for not utilizing LEAP at this time : –DCIM Interlocal agreement states that LEAs own their own information and must provide permission for sharing that information –Adds layers of technical complexity and breakpoints (See Exhibit 2) –Agencies are unwilling to pay for use of LEAP software tools Reasons for utilizing LEAP in future –Could leverage their analysis software tools –Will be part of our joint partnership in future ACMS development efforts –Existing Interlocal agreement November 11, 2011CJAB LEAP Discussion7
Recommendations With CJAB recommendation; –Modify our Dallas County’s LEAP interlocal agreement to incorporate DCIM agency information ownership provisions –Briefing to CJAB Chief Sub-Committee of DCIM impact on their agency LEAP interlocal agreement –Submit for CJAB a Dallas County Briefing to clarify Dallas County’s position on law enforcement information sharing as a future steward of said information for local law enforcement and Dallas County. November 11, 2011CJAB LEAP Discussion8
Questions and Answers Open Discussion Project Team Contact Information –Project Sponsor - Commissioner Mike Cantrell –Business Owners Ron Stretcher - Criminal Courts Chief Joe Costa – Law Enforcement –Project Manager - Bill Brown –DCIM Administrator – Lt. Steve Womack (Stephen. Support Team –IT CIO – Stanley Victrum – CJAB Coordinator – Duane Steele November 11, 2011CJAB LEAP Discussion9
Attachments DCIM MOU Management Summary Second Revised Memo Of Understanding(MOU)/Interlocal Agreement (ILA) Among Participating Local Governments for Law Enforcement Data Sharing Via Dallas County Incident Module (DCIM) DCIM LEAP Interface November 11, 2011CJAB LEAP Discussion10