Colors – part 3 K1066BI – Graphical Design Teppo Räisänen
Colors Traditionally, red, blue and yellow are used as primary colors ▫Used by painters
Colors In computer era we use more often either RGB ▫Red, Green, Blue CMYK ▫Cyan, Magenta, Yellow ▫K comes from blacK
Colors RGB uses something called additive color model ▫Used with TV’s ▫Also used heavily with computers ▫Normally, we have a black screen where we add color
CMYK uses something called substractive color model ▫It is used e.g. in printing
Colors Normally printing is done to white paper ▫Colors are done by substracting (absorbing) certain wavelenghts from light and reflecting others
Colors As can be seen from the previous slide cyan, magenta and yellow do not produce deep enough black ▫So fourth color – black - is usually used ▫Thus the name CMYK ▫K = blacK Also as black is used a lot e.g. in newspapers (all text is generally black) it saves inc to use black color
Colors When we print all CMYK colors one on top of another we see the final product