A Seminar on AUTO CAR PARKING BY USING SONAR TECHNOLOGY Represented by: Mr. Pramod R. Misal Roll No.325 Under Guidance Of Prof. H. S. Bawiskar
1.Abstract. 2.Introduction. 3.Literature Review 4.Basic Principle. 5.Block Diagram. 6. Parking Assist Sensor(Actual view) 7.Function of SONAR and ECU. 8.Conclusion 9. Reference CONTENTS
Main aim of this of this system is to avoid the problems which are occurs during the parking of the vehicle. It is method of detecting and finding the distance of object by means of reflected ultrasonic sound wave. Each ultrasonic sensor consists of a sensor portion that transmits and receives ultrasonic waves. It is method of detecting and finding the distance of object by means of reflected ultrasonic sound wave ABSTRACT
Parallel parking is ordeal for many drivers. In big cities the parking space is limited. Squeezing your car in tiny space is very important job. If car is not well parked then there is problems of traffic as well as parking. New technology discover the self parking car.(TOYOTA) Instead of struggling to manage your car in tiny space, simply press a button, seat back and relax. INTRODUCTION
1.The system is applicable to both parallel as well as garage parking.[1] 2.Less amount of time required to park vehicle using APS(automatic parking system).[2] 3.system totally depend on SONAR as well as tearing sensor.[3] LITERATURE REVIEW
The system of auto car parking is fully depends on “SONAR”. SONAR produces sound waves which is used to detects the distance between the vehicle and the obstacle. In this system Sonar is used as sensor. BASIC PRINCIPLE
Formulae to calculate distance is, X= V*t/2 It is method of detecting and finding the distance of object by means of reflected ultrasonic sound wave. eg: Bats create a certain sound to detect the insect. SONAR was discovered in 1840 by Sarah Nolsoc. Sonar Principal
Sonar consists of a transmitter, transducer, and receiver. In the simplest terms, an electrical impulse from a transmitter (such as a very short burst of electrical energy generated by an electronic “power pack”) is converted into a sound wave (which is also a very short burst of high frequency sound energy) by the transducer and sent. When this wave strikes an object, it rebounds. What is SONAR?
SENSOR(SONAR) Function: (Sound Navigation and ranging) 1. Send and receive SOUND wave.
ECU:(Electronic control unit) Function: 1.Used to control engine function.
One can park our car in a very tiny place without damaging it. It is very simple and easy to operate. It solve the difficulty occurs during the parking in short space. Solve the traffic problems. CONCLUSION
1.Se-Young oh (JAPAN),2008,International journal of control,automation and system. 2.K. Giang & L.D.Seneviratne,1999, a sensor guided autonomous parking system paper no K.Demirli,M.KhoshnejadFuzzySystemsResearchLaboratory, DepartmentofMechanicalandIndustrialEngineering,Concor diaUniversity,Montréal,Québec,Canada,H3G,1M8 Received23October2007;receivedinrevisedform9Decemb er TOYOTA PARKING ASSIST SYSTEM, page no 263BE110. Reference
One of the most advance technology but it is costly one. More time is required for the normal parking and it is very difficult due to this one can easily irritate. For the our comfortableness, this system is the best one.(TOYOTA PARKING ASSIST SYSTEM). What a company said?