Strategic Planning for Your 1:1 Program Stewart Crais - Director Stuart McCathie – Headmaster
Who We Are Annual collaborative, K-12 technology / innovative education conference in Memphis, TN, hosted by Lausanne Collegiate School, July 14-17, 2013 Over last 10 years: – Over 4,000 Attendees – 834 Unique Schools – 47 US States – 38 Countries – Public and private Originally focused on 1:1 learning, now expanded to innovate ideas in K-12 education (learning differences, readers/writers workshops, 21 st Century Middle School, and more) Meet, connect, learn! Lausanne Collaborative, consulting
Who Are You? Don’t forget: You can copy- paste this slide into other presentations, and move or resize the poll.
1:1 Programs in the House? Don’t forget: You can copy- paste this slide into other presentations, and move or resize the poll.
Introductions Day workshop condensed into one hour. District size/type Your school’s predominant instructional style (traditional; innovative, etc) Your school’s ability to confront change
Mission Mission: Common thread [daily work] Our district’s mission is to prepare each of its students for college [product] and for life in a global environment [process].
Key Questions Who are we? (District Identity) Where are we going? (District Vision) How do we get there? (District Strategic Plan – Anatomy of 1:1 Program/Finance) How do we know we got there? (District Assessment)
Mission, Values and Outcomes School Mission Portrait of the Graduate Portrait of the Graduate Characteristics of Professional Excellence Characteristics of Professional Excellence School Type ( Price-Value/Product/Process) School Type ( Price-Value/Product/Process) Strategic Plan Executive Leadership
Sample Value Statements We create a joyful and challenging learning process. We encourage continual self-reflection. We provide opportunities to succeed. We embrace global mindedness. We forge meaningful relationships. We build character through service to others. We empower individuals to seek their own journeys.
Sample Portrait of a Graduate A graduate is [product]… a seeker of knowledge who understands the importance of intellectual, physical and emotional balance to achieve personal well-being for themselves and others. a thinker able to recognize and approach complex problems, make ethical decisions and understand and capitalize on his or her strengths and limitations. a confident risk-taker with understanding of a broad and balanced range of disciplines.
Portrait of a Graduate an open-minded global citizen with a strong sense of fairness, justice and respect for other individuals, their community and the environment. an effective communicator who seeks and evaluates a range of viewpoints. a caring and reflective person who respects the needs and feelings of others and acts to make a positive difference within their community. an inquirer with a passion to continue a lifelong love of learning.
Sample Professional Excellence Characteristics – Instructional Culture
1:1 Planning Missteps Absence of a clear sense of vision tied to mission Inadequate software training and other professional development Poorly planned Infrastructure Right people on the bus who buy into the program – Parents – Teachers – Students – Board – Alumni
More Missteps We need to add a 1:1 program, because the district in the next town has one 1:1 will change our instructional culture We can provide limited $ to move ahead Launching a 1:1 program does not need to be in a Strategic Plan, because the School Board / Board Chair wants it. We believe all our faculty will love it!
Right Steps Clear sense of identity and vision; developed collaboratively Instructional culture assessment Ease into it by taking the time to check temperature Accepting the current and future cost Provide adequate professional development Don’t skimp on infrastructure Tech team Open communication – Tell people what you are going to tell them – Tell them – Tell them what you told them Use expertise of other districts Strong financial plan
Data Gathering Readiness assessment – Curriculum and instructional style assessment Important constituencies – teacher, master teacher use and receptivity. What are the concepts children in your class traditionally struggle with………… – Attitude/cultural audit – district change, we have been doing things this way for 100 years…….. – Comfortable being uncomfortable – Technology audit – hardware / software – Employee skill audit - beyond spreadsheets……
Strategic Planning Involves stake holders – who, how? Identifies essential priorities that are educationally based Creates buy-in without getting bogged down in bureaucracy Identify messengers / story tellers (faculty who are on board) No one person owns the plan Who, how, when, how much, evaluation
Anatomy of a 1:1 Source: Educational Collaborators,
Resources Lausanne Learning Institute (Memphis, TN) – July 14-17, 2013 – Lausanne Collaborative (onsite assessment, consulting, strategic planning) International 1:1 Conference (Atlanta, GA) – December 2 and 3 This presentation, questions: – –