Baptized on April 26 th, 1564 Exact date of birth is unknown Assumed he was born on April 23 rd Baptism usually took place 3 days after birth Born in Stratford-Upon-Avon in a house on Henley Street Father: John Shakespeare Mother: Mary Arden
Holy Trinity Church, Stratford-Upon-Avon Shakespeare’s birthplace, House on Henley Street
Married Anne Hathaway on November 28 th, 1582 Shakespeare, 18 Anne, 26 (considered middle-aged) Assumed that their marriage was not a happy one 6 mos. later, Susanna is born 1585 Anne gives birth to twins Hamnet and Judith Hamnet dies of unknown causes at age 11
Family was pretty well-off John town mayor John comes across some $ trouble Possibly due to drinking Almost all of Shakespeare’s siblings die at a young age
First period Cheerful period, showing youthful love and imagination A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Romeo and Juliet, The Comedy of Errors Second period Progress in Dramatic Art Deeper insight to human nature Sense of sadness As You Like It, The Merchant of Venice, Henry V, IV
Third period Time that Shakespeare may have been ‘out of sorts’ Father dies in 1601 Wrote many tragedies Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth, King Lear Fourth period Calm strength and sweetness Mother dies in 1608 Recollection of her kindness may have spurred the more positive outlook on life Cymbeline, The Winter’s Tale, The Tempest
First Lost Years Second Lost Years Not much information about S during this time period People believe during these lost years Shakespeare: Perfected his craft Established himself as a dramatist Gained experience at the theatre
Much like Poe, Shakespeare’s death is also a mystery Possibly because of drinking Dies on his 53 rd birthday, April 23 rd, 1616 S gives all of his land to his eldest daughter and gives Anne the “second-best bed” Another hint to their unhappy marriage
Opened in 1599 in Bankside, Southward, London Octagonal shaped building Open air arena – circular shape Two doors Main entrance and exit door Arena projected halfway into the pit “Apron” stage Stage extended past proscenium arch Surrounded by three tiers of roofed galleries with balconies
Could hold ~1,500 people Shakespeare became part owner of the Globe Virtual tour of the Globe us/virtual-tour Destroyed by a fire on June 29 th, 1613