: Conference on EGTC & multi-level governance Gödöllö: Worling Group II Participation of civil organisations in the territorial cooperations Klaus Baldauf Frankfurt (Oder)/ City Twins Association European City Twin Frankfurt (Oder) Słubice Klaus Baldauf, City of Frankfurt (Oder), Germany * Board member of City Twins Association for cross-border cities Overview Introduction - the speakers’ background City Twins Association strategy Overview of potential members of City Twins Association Example Frankfurt (Oder) – Slubice Working structures of FFO-Slubice Cross Border Governance From the Vision till the Local Action Plan Summary & Conclusion
: Conference on EGTC & multi-level governance Gödöllö: Worling Group II Participation of civil organisations in the territorial cooperations Klaus Baldauf Frankfurt (Oder)/ City Twins Association European City Twin Frankfurt (Oder) Słubice That’s where I come from: GERMANY / POLAND
: Conference on EGTC & multi-level governance Gödöllö: Worling Group II Participation of civil organisations in the territorial cooperations Klaus Baldauf Frankfurt (Oder)/ City Twins Association European City Twin Frankfurt (Oder) Słubice European and University Twin City situated in the geographical heart of Europe: one hour from the german capital Berlin, about two hours from the regional capitals Poznan ( inhabitants), Szczecin ( ), Dresden ( ) and Wroclaw ( ) direct neighbours on both sides of the River Oder together about inhabitants common university Viadrina & Collegium Polonicum with together about students from about 80 countries
: Conference on EGTC & multi-level governance Gödöllö: Worling Group II Participation of civil organisations in the territorial cooperations Klaus Baldauf Frankfurt (Oder)/ City Twins Association European City Twin Frankfurt (Oder) Słubice City Twins Association Established in December 2006 as a result of the City Twins Cooperation Network project (2004 – 2006) Members and other city twins cooperating with the association Imatra - Svetogorsk (Finland - Russia) Narva - Ivangorod(Estonia - Russia) Frankfurt(Oder)-Slubice(Germany - Poland) Valka - Valga (Lithuania - Estonia) Görlitz - Zgorzelec*(Germany - Poland) Tornio – Haparanda*(Finland - Sweden) Cieszyn* - Cesky Tiesin*(Poland-Czech Republic) * in moment abstend
: Conference on EGTC & multi-level governance Gödöllö: Worling Group II Participation of civil organisations in the territorial cooperations Klaus Baldauf Frankfurt (Oder)/ City Twins Association European City Twin Frankfurt (Oder) Słubice City Twins Association strategy The vision By the year 2020 the City Twins Association acting as an important and influential player for the purpose of the balanced development of the border areas. The mission The mission of the City Twins Association is to establish fruitful and stable cooperation between its members to enhance sustainable and balanced development of the border cities, thus facilitating cross border cooperation in general. Strategic aims 1. The CTA is a stably developing organization with increasing number of members and sufficient financing resources to implement the CTA activities The CTA is the key player in the process of the balanced development and cooperation between border cities, first of all between the CTA member cities Main task: represent the special interests of City Twins SWOT
: Conference on EGTC & multi-level governance Gödöllö: Worling Group II Participation of civil organisations in the territorial cooperations Klaus Baldauf Frankfurt (Oder)/ City Twins Association European City Twin Frankfurt (Oder) Słubice City Twins Association Main task: represent the interests of City Twins Remove the barriers to cross-border cooperation between City Twins members for inhabitants and administrations Support of good neighborhood and variety of cultures Common protection of existence care Promote exchange of experiences, new ideas, views and objectives European partnership program also program for citizens in Twin Cities: Create a special program for City Twins Citizenship - Connecting people throughout Europe Common cultural programs Common sports teams within City-Twins Youth meetings: „ Fit for life in border regions “ Support of common facilities: Know-how transfer
: Conference on EGTC & multi-level governance Gödöllö: Worling Group II Participation of civil organisations in the territorial cooperations Klaus Baldauf Frankfurt (Oder)/ City Twins Association European City Twin Frankfurt (Oder) Słubice Common Youth Festival of City Twins 10/2005 in Slubice
: Conference on EGTC & multi-level governance Gödöllö: Worling Group II Participation of civil organisations in the territorial cooperations Klaus Baldauf Frankfurt (Oder)/ City Twins Association European City Twin Frankfurt (Oder) Słubice Imatra Svetogorsk 33 Imatra Svetogorsk 34 Chaves Verin Overview of potential members of City Twins Association
: Conference on EGTC & multi-level governance Gödöllö: Worling Group II Participation of civil organisations in the territorial cooperations Klaus Baldauf Frankfurt (Oder)/ City Twins Association European City Twin Frankfurt (Oder) Słubice Prepared measures FFO - Slubice Creation of cooperation structures between both administrations Strategy for the common development of both cities: Define structures Fix priorities Common office Coordination of the cooperation Project development Common marketing
: Conference on EGTC & multi-level governance Gödöllö: Worling Group II Participation of civil organisations in the territorial cooperations Klaus Baldauf Frankfurt (Oder)/ City Twins Association European City Twin Frankfurt (Oder) Słubice Elements from our LAP (I): Working structures of Cross Border Governance „Executive“„Legislature“ Joint Committee (6 times a year) Lord Mayor of Frankfurt and Mayor of Slubice (once a month) Common City Council Assembly (1-2 times a year) Frankfurt-Slubice Steering Group (four times a year) Working groups (economic development, city development and planning, education & culture, city marketing & international cooperation) (once a month) Frankfurt-Slubice Future Conference 2020 (4-6 June 2009) Cross-Border Civil Society Conference (once a year) Joint coordination team from both Administration Departments for International Cooperation & Frankfurt-Slubice Competency and Cooperation Center Leader level Working level society Communication platform: Common events: City Hansa Celebrations (July), cultural events: Transvocale, Unithea, Oder Music Festival
: Conference on EGTC & multi-level governance Gödöllö: Worling Group II Participation of civil organisations in the territorial cooperations Klaus Baldauf Frankfurt (Oder)/ City Twins Association European City Twin Frankfurt (Oder) Słubice From the Vision till the Local Action Plan Future Conference (4th - 6th of June 2009) / 200 participants to create a common Vision: 1.Cosmopolitan double city with German-Polish Flair -> a friendly and common city`s centre, connected via the river and the bridge 2.Double city with language`s competence, the children can learn the language of the neighbour when they are 4 years old / in the kindergarten – „ We are on the both sides of the river „Oder“ at home! ” - > Special education region Viadrina 3.Dynamic Double city,– demographical development with the 4. status quo at this moment, labor market and investigations in the fields like innovative technologies, education, culture, tourism, Sport, etc. – „ regadles on witch Oder-Side provided new job“ 5.Young and family-friendly Double city 6.Gr een Double city (local protection of nature/ climate and networking of green sysrems) 6Double city of culture: proud of regional tradition, European Identit y witch protection of the cultural heritage VISION Strategic Aims Operational objectives Actions / Projects
: Conference on EGTC & multi-level governance Gödöllö: Worling Group II Participation of civil organisations in the territorial cooperations Klaus Baldauf Frankfurt (Oder)/ City Twins Association European City Twin Frankfurt (Oder) Słubice Elements from our LAP (II): Objectives and projects 24 main strategic goals for in seven fields of development, f.e.: 1.2. Turning towards River Oder: Revitalisation and development of areas located near the river as common centre of both cities 1.3. establishing Frankfurt-Slubice Competency and Communication Center 2.2. After primary school children are able to communicate with peers from the neighbour city in their language 4.1. Drafting and implementation of a joint city and location marketing strategy 14 projects for , f.e.: Frankfurt-Slubice Integrated Urban Development Plan ( ) Construction of a Polish-German integrative kindergarten in Slubice and extension of the Euro-Kindergarten in Frankfurt ( ) Network for new small and middle sized company settlement ( )
: Conference on EGTC & multi-level governance Gödöllö: Worling Group II Participation of civil organisations in the territorial cooperations Klaus Baldauf Frankfurt (Oder)/ City Twins Association European City Twin Frankfurt (Oder) Słubice Summary and Future Establishing of competence`s & communication`s centre (point, agency, institution) Common management of the governance: International cooperation, Marketing, City`s planning, development of the youth`s and cultural activities Common vision & brand`s policy for the European double city Networking of German-Polish competences Euroregion Europe Direkt Consumer`s consulting Tourism`s information Citizen`s information`s service Common City`s marketing Exhibition`s & education`centre German-Polish cooperation Exhibition of Oder Program for schools & education institutions: Borderland as a Experience Lab of the European Integration via exchange of knowledge Cross-border cooperation of the new generation!
: Conference on EGTC & multi-level governance Gödöllö: Worling Group II Participation of civil organisations in the territorial cooperations Klaus Baldauf Frankfurt (Oder)/ City Twins Association European City Twin Frankfurt (Oder) Słubice Promotion examples European double city Since 2008: common host's list of the tourism association
: Conference on EGTC & multi-level governance Gödöllö: Worling Group II Participation of civil organisations in the territorial cooperations Klaus Baldauf Frankfurt (Oder)/ City Twins Association European City Twin Frankfurt (Oder) Słubice
: Conference on EGTC & multi-level governance Gödöllö: Worling Group II Participation of civil organisations in the territorial cooperations Klaus Baldauf Frankfurt (Oder)/ City Twins Association European City Twin Frankfurt (Oder) Słubice Thanks a lot for your attention! Dziękuję Państwu za uwagę! Vielen Dank für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit! Merci beaucoup pour votre attention! Welcome to Frankfurt (Oder) & Słubice !
: Conference on EGTC & multi-level governance Gödöllö: Worling Group II Participation of civil organisations in the territorial cooperations Klaus Baldauf Frankfurt (Oder)/ City Twins Association European City Twin Frankfurt (Oder) Słubice SWOT-analysis of the CTA Strengths Close connection and cooperation of border cities governments and personal contacts of cities’ key actors Clearly defined aims, objectives and structure of the CTA Existence of the CTA bylaws, regulating the activity of the association Efficient and timely information exchange between the CTA members Visual symbolic, making the CTA recognizable Networking with strong cross-border associations like MOT, Eixo Atlantico and AEBR Skilled and qualified personnel within the CTA members Weaknesses Small number of the CTA members Lack of PR activities Law publicity and insufficient awareness about the association and its activities in the border regions and Europe as a whole Insufficient financing for implementation of the activities Association is not active enough to develop and increase its activities Lack of the clear strategy for the nearest years Low number of events, arranged for the purpose of experience and best practices exchange among CTA members Lack of clear cooperation strategy with similar associations Back to CTA
: Conference on EGTC & multi-level governance Gödöllö: Worling Group II Participation of civil organisations in the territorial cooperations Klaus Baldauf Frankfurt (Oder)/ City Twins Association European City Twin Frankfurt (Oder) Słubice SWOT-analysis of the CTA Opportunities European Union Policy, targeted to the development of cooperation between the border regions. Existence of funds, financing the development of cross-border cooperation. There are 52 cross-border co-operation Programmes along internal EU borders and 13 transnational co-operation Programmes.cross-border co-operation Programmes transnational co-operation Programmes The CTA is the only association in its kind in the North East Europe – no competitors Opportunity of networking with similar organizations in Europe and other countries Threads Other border cities could not be interested in the membership Projects, submitted by the CTA, might be not approved by the Programmes Low initiative of cross border citizens Sharp gap in the level of living of the border cities’ citizens Political and economic barriers for cross-border cooperation Unstable economic situation in Europe Economic crisis and therefore tough financial situation in border cities – members of the CTA Different conditions and the ways of action on social, health and safety matters in border cities Problems in the issues concerning free movement of goods and labour force, especially on the eastern border of the EU Back to CTA