1 Chapter 3: Getting Started with Tasks 3.1 Introduction to Tasks and Wizards 3.2 Creating a Frequency Report 3.3 Generating HTML, PDF, and RTF Output 3.4 Creating a Listing Report 3.5 Filtering Data in a Task 3.6 Creating a Graph
2 Chapter 3: Getting Started with Tasks 3.1 Introduction to Tasks and Wizards 3.2 Creating a Frequency Report 3.3 Generating HTML, PDF, and RTF Output 3.4 Creating a Listing Report 3.5 Filtering Data in a Task 3.6 Creating a Graph
3 Objectives Define a SAS Enterprise Guide task and wizard. Name one method of accessing tasks in SAS Enterprise Guide. State the functions of common features in the task dialog boxes.
4 What Is a Task? A task is a specific type of analysis, report, or data manipulation that you can perform against data in a project. A task is typically referenced by its description.
Quiz Select the Tasks menu in your SAS Enterprise Guide session. Which tasks might be the most helpful in working with your data?
7 Associating a Task with Data Tasks are usually associated with a particular data source in the project. 1.Highlight the data in the Project Tree. 2.Select a task.
8 Associating a Task with Data Tasks can also be selected from the menu in the data grid.
9 Tasks: Selection Pane Each task dialog box follows a similar format that includes a Selection pane that lists the options available for that task. Selection Pane
10 Tasks: Data Select Data to define how columns are used to create the task result. Help is displayed when a Task role is selected.
11 Tasks: Titles and Footnotes Select Titles to add descriptive titles and footnotes. Type custom titles or footnotes.
12 Tasks: Properties Task properties can be modified to rename the task, examine task attributes, and modify the output format.
13 Task Wizards Selected tasks have a wizard format that can be used to set up the task results quickly.
14 Working with Tasks Task code, log, output data, and results are available for viewing and further analysis through tabs and menus.
15 Working with Tasks Tasks can be refreshed or modified from either the Project Tree, the Process Flow window, or the Results tab.
17 Chapter 3: Getting Started with Tasks 3.1 Introduction to Tasks and Wizards 3.2 Creating a Frequency Report 3.3 Generating HTML, PDF, and RTF Output 3.4 Creating a Listing Report 3.5 Filtering Data in a Task 3.6 Creating a Graph
18 Objectives Access the One-Way Frequencies task. Generate a one-way frequency report and bar chart.
19 Business Scenario Orion management wants a report that counts the number of products offered for each category.
20 One-Way Frequencies Task The One-Way Frequencies task can be used to generate frequency counts, percentages, graphs, and statistical tests to analyze the distribution of your data.
Multiple Choice Poll Highlight any data source in the project and select Tasks Describe One-Way Frequencies. Which task role requires a variable assignment? a.Analysis variables b.Frequency count c.Group analysis by
Multiple Choice Poll – Correct Answer Highlight any data source in the project and select Tasks Describe One-Way Frequencies. Which task role requires a variable assignment? a.Analysis variables b.Frequency count c.Group analysis by
24 One-Way Frequencies: Task Roles The One-Way Frequencies task produces a one-way frequency report for each variable included in the Analysis variables role..
25 One-Way Frequencies: Task Roles The Group analysis role can be used to produce separate frequency reports for each unique value of a variable.
Quiz Open the One-Way Frequencies task again by selecting Tasks Describe One-Way Frequencies. In the Tasks Roles window, select Help and read the description for the Frequency count role. How many variables can be assigned to this role?
Quiz – Correct Answer Open the One-Way Frequencies task again by selecting Tasks Describe One-Way Frequencies. In the Tasks Roles window, select Help and read the description for the Frequency count role. How many variables can be assigned to this role? 1
29 One-Way Frequencies: Additional Options Use additional options to customize the report or create a data set with frequencies and percentages.
30 Generating a One-Way Frequency Report Orion managers want a report that summarizes the number of products offered for each category.
32 Exercise This exercise reinforces the concepts discussed previously.
34 Chapter 3: Getting Started with Tasks 3.1 Introduction to Tasks and Wizards 3.2 Creating a Frequency Report 3.3 Generating HTML, PDF, and RTF Output 3.4 Creating a Listing Report 3.5 Filtering Data in a Task 3.6 Creating a Graph
35 Objectives List output format options. Compare the advantages of each output format.
36 Business Scenario Orion management wants to publish, in an HTML format on the intranet, the frequency report for product categories.
37 Task Output Formats By default, SAS Enterprise Guide produces task results in SAS Report format. However you can also choose to generate HTML, PDF, RTF, or text output.
38 SAS Report Format The SAS Report format enables you to combine multiple task results into a single report. This report can be viewed in SAS applications or exported as HTML, XML, or PDF files. Banner image Bar Chart task One-Way Frequencies task Summary Statistics task
Multiple Answer Poll Which output formats would you like to use in your work? a.HTML b.PDF c.RTF d.SAS Report e.Text
Quiz What are some advantages of each format?
Quiz – Correct Answer What are some advantages of each format? HTML can be easily viewed by anyone who has a browser. RTF can be included and edited in common word processors. PDF is a good choice for printing and sharing static copies of the report. SAS Report format is useful when you combine task results or create reports to be viewed in other SAS applications. Text is simple and familiar if you use the SAS Display Manager.
43 Summary of Output Formats HTMLRTFPDFSAS Report Text Software required for viewing outside of SAS Enterprise Guide Any browser (Internet Explorer) Any word processor (Microsoft Word) Adobe Reader Other SAS applications Any text viewer (Notepad) Ability to combine results into a single document Yes (Tools HTML Document) No (Only with code) No (Only with code) Yes (File New Report) No (Only with code) Ability to edit results in viewing software NoYesNoYes Results formatted for printing NoYes
44 Default Output Format The default output format can be set under Tools Options Results General. Custom options can also be set for each of the output formats.
45 Overriding the Default Output Format The properties of individual tasks can be modified to override the default format and produce other types of results.
46 Modifying Output Format This demonstration illustrates modifying the properties of a task to produce HTML, PDF, RTF, or text output.
Quiz (Live Web Only) 1.Double-click on any One-Way Frequencies task in the project. On the Results tab, select Modify Task. 2.Select Properties Edit Results. 3.Select Customize results formats, styles, and behaviors and select the HTML style. 4.In the drop-down list, change the style to EGDefault. 5.Select OK Run. Select Yes when you are prompted to replace the results.
Quiz – Correct Answer Confirm the results. Results might be different if you used the One-Way Frequencies task results from the Level 2 or Level 3 exercise.
51 Chapter 3: Getting Started with Tasks 3.1 Introduction to Tasks and Wizards 3.2 Creating a Frequency Report 3.3 Generating HTML, PDF, and RTF Output 3.4 Creating a Listing Report 3.5 Filtering Data in a Task 3.6 Creating a Graph
52 Objectives Access the List Data task. Set report options. Group the report.
53 Business Scenario The Marketing Department at Orion Star would like to create a customer list that includes ID, name, and age group. A separate report should be generated for each country.
54 List Data Task The List Data task displays rows of data in a data set, including options to group or sum columns. Group rows. Display each row. Sum columns.
55 List Data: Task Roles The List variables role indicates the columns that are included in the report. Numeric variables can be assigned to the Total of role to calculate a sum.
56 List Data: Group Analysis by Role The Group analysis by role can be used to create a separate report section for each unique value of a variable.
Quiz 1.Open any data source in your current project. 2.Select Describe List Data in the data grid. 3.Select Options from the Selection pane. Which option can be used to eliminate the Row Number column from the report?
Quiz – Correct Answer Which option can be used to eliminate the Row Number column from the report?
60 Using the List Data Task to Create a Report This demonstration illustrates how to use the List Data task to create a listing report.
62 Chapter 3: Getting Started with Tasks 3.1 Introduction to Tasks and Wizards 3.2 Creating a Frequency Report 3.3 Generating HTML, PDF, and RTF Output 3.4 Creating a Listing Report 3.5 Filtering Data in a Task 3.6 Creating a Graph
63 Objectives Filter data directly in a task. Using various operators, build multiple filter criteria.
64 Business Scenario The Marketing Department at Orion Star wants to run a special promotion targeted at high-activity Orion Club members who were born in 1970 or later.
65 Filtering Input Data The Edit… button enables you to apply filters on the input data to select which rows should be included in the task or wizard.
66 Edit Data and Filter Window The Edit Data and Filter window enables you to build multiple filters using operators and data values.
67 Filtering Data in a Task This demonstration illustrates using the Edit and Filter Data window to modify the input data for a task.
69 Exercise This exercise reinforces the concepts discussed previously.
71 Chapter 3: Getting Started with Tasks 3.1 Introduction to Tasks and Wizards 3.2 Creating a Frequency Report 3.3 Generating HTML, PDF, and RTF Output 3.4 Creating a Listing Report 3.5 Filtering Data in a Task 3.6 Creating a Graph
72 Objectives Name the types of graphs that are supported in SAS Enterprise Guide. State the differences among the output formats that are supported in SAS Enterprise Guide. Create a bar chart.
73 Business Scenario To better understand the demographics of the Orion Star customers, management wants to see a comparison of average customer age by country.
74 Graphs Using SAS Enterprise Guide
75 Types of Graphs The Graph menu includes all of the advanced graph tasks as well as the wizards.
76 Output Formats for Graphs Different graph formats enable you to produce interactive and non-interactive results.
Multiple Answer Poll Which types of graphs would you like to use to display your data? a.Bar chart b.Pie chart c.Line plot d.Scatter plot e.Surface plot f.Map g.Other
79 Bar Chart Wizard The Bar Chart wizard enables you to do the following: 1.select and filter the data 2.assign variables to roles 3.customize appearance 4.set titles and footnotes
Quiz An example of a graph created with the Bar Chart wizard is shown below. What would you like to modify to further enhance the display?
Quiz – Correct Answer Possible modifications include the following: rounding values to the nearest dollar changing the output format adding more descriptive axis labels changing the shape of the bars changing the color of reference lines
83 Bar Chart: Advanced View To make further enhancements to the graph, you might need to open the task in Advanced View, which gives you access to additional options that are not available in the wizard. After you run a task in Advanced View, you cannot return to the wizard.
84 Bar Chart Task: Advanced View The Advanced View of the Bar Chart task includes additional options, such as changing bar shape, formatting data values, and modifying reference lines.
86 Setup for the Poll 1.Open any data source in the project and select Graph Bar Chart Wizard…. 2.In step 2, choose any column for the Bars role and select Finish. 3.In the Project Tree or Process Flow window, right-click on the Bar Chart task icon and select Open Open in Advanced View….
Multiple Choice Poll Which item from the Selection pane enables you to define custom colors for each of the bars? a.Bar Chart b.Bars c.Layout d.Advanced
Multiple Choice Poll – Correct Answer Which item from the Selection pane enables you to define custom colors for each of the bars? a.Bar Chart b.Bars c.Layout d.Advanced
89 Bar Chart Task: Final Results
90 Creating a Bar Chart This demonstration illustrates how to use the Bar Chart task to create a graph.
92 Exercise This exercise reinforces the concepts discussed previously.
94 Chapter Review 1.What is a task? 2.What selection panes of the task dialog boxes are common to most tasks? 3.What is the default output format for any report?
95 Chapter Review Answers 1.What is a task? 2.What selection panes of the task dialog boxes are common to most tasks? 3.What is the default output format for any report? A task is a specific type of analysis, report, or data manipulation that you can perform against data in a project. The selection panes common to most tasks are Data, Titles, and Properties. SAS Report
96 Chapter Review 4.How can you specify a different output format for a specific task result?
97 Chapter Review Answers 4.How can you specify a different output format for a specific task result? To specify a different report format for a specific result, select the Properties pane for the task, select the Edit… button, and select the Results pane. Select the Customize result formats, styles, and behavior radio button. Select the desired output format and style.
98 Chapter Review 5.There are two types of reports: summary and detailed reports. What type of report does the One-Way Frequencies task produce and what type of report does the List Data task produce? 6.A bar chart can be created via the Bar Chart wizard. In the wizard, can you change the properties of a column (for instance, specify a format or a label)? If not, how can you do so?
99 Chapter Review Answers 5.There are two types of reports: summary and detailed reports. What type of report does the One-Way Frequencies task produce and what type of report does the List Data task produce? 6.A bar chart can be created via the Bar Chart wizard. In the wizard, can you change the properties of a column (for instance, specify a format or a label)? If not, how can you do so? The One-Way Frequencies task produces a summary report and the List Data task produces a detailed report. The properties of a column cannot be changed in the wizard. They can be modified in the Advanced View.