Real estate education in Poland – report of survey Bartłomiej Marona and Michał Głuszak ERES Edinburgh Friday 15th June Cracow University of Economics Department of Real Estate and investment Economics
Agenda: Research objectives Findings Directions for further research
Research (1/2) The first objective (2010) of the research was to analyze main reasons why (i) students from CUE choose real estate education, (ii) their expectations about education process and (iii) they intentions after graduation The second objective (2011/2012) – expectations and plans between students from major universities in Poland Hypothes: There are no differences in real estate students expectation and plans after graduation
Previous Research market expectation Dasso J., Woodward L. (1980) Callanan J., McCarty I. (2003) Chikafalimani S.H.P., Cloete C.E. (2010) real estate body of knowledge Weinstein M., Worzala E.(2008) Blake A., Cradduck L., Richardson K., Eves C. (2010) McFarland M., Nguyen D. (2010) Black R., Rabianski J., (2003)
Resarch (2/2) The questionnaire containing 13 questions (include 2 matrix questions) 367 students returned questionnaire (both B.A. and M.A. students) 6 biggest Polish universities which run Real Estate Economy Warsaw - Warsaw School of Economics Lód ź – University of Lód ź Kraków – Cracow University of Economics Gda ń sk – University of Gda ń sk Katowice – University of Economics in Katowice Poznan – Poznan University of Economics
Reasons to choose real estate education
Yes MIN58,6 % Gdansk Yes MAX78,3 % Poznan
Yes MAX 33,4 % Warsaw Yes MIN 4,5 % Katowice
Warsaw School of Economics 33% not interested 9% real estate manager
Planning career in real estate ? Yes MAX 80 % Krakow Yes MIN 50,3 % Katowice
Entrepreneur? MIN14 % Krakow MAX39,4 % Warsaw
Further research More detailed data analysis Survey among eemployers (potential mismatch) Comparing expectation with curriculums (potential mismatch)
Thank you