Is a problem solver Uses math, science and critical thinking to find practical solutions that will help people or the community Can design, create, build, improve and invent everything from microchips to skyscrapers to space vehicles
1. Geisel, Theodor Seuss, If I Ran the Zoo, p. 47, Random House Books for Young Readers, New York, 1950Geisel, Theodor SeussIf I Ran the Zoo Not an Enginerd … The word "nerd" first appeared in Dr. Seuss’s book If I Ran the Zoo [1], published in 1950.If I Ran the Zoo [1] A person who is interested in technology and relates academic subjects to the real world outside of academic studies — for example, using multi-variable calculus to determine the volume of a cake at a party. GEEK, as an acronym, reputedly came from the United Stated Military; it stands for General Electrical Engineering Knowledge and should NOT be confused with a Nerd.
Henry Ford helping devise the factory assembly approach to production that revolutionized the auto industry by greatly reducing the time required to assemble a car. Neil Alden Armstrong - first man to walk on the moon, B.S. in aeronautical engineering
EngineerTheir work… Leonardo Da VinciWar machines, work machines, flying machines, water machines, land machines…go Google him! Eli WhitneyCotton gin, interchangeable parts Ferdinand Porscheautomobile Rudolf DieselInventor of the diesel engine Willis CarrierFather of air conditioning Bill NyeThe Science Guy
Aerospace Agricultural Biomedical Chemical Computer Civil Electrical Industrial Mechanical Petroleum
I work for a memory company designing integrated circuits used in computers, servers, i-pads, etc. I have a bachelors degree in computer/electrical engineering
I work as a Space Shuttle and International Space Station flight controller at Johnson Space Center. I have a bachelors degree in aerospace engineering
I work for a medical device company (St. Jude Medical) offering technical support to physicians for implant devices. I have a Bachelors in Biomedical Engineering with a minor in Electrical Engineering, and a Masters in Biomedical Engineering
I work for Electronic Arts (EA) designing software for computer games and gaming consoles, such as PlayStation 3, Wii, X-Box 360, etc.. I have a Bachelors in Computer Engineering with a masters in Software Engineering
I work for a consulting firm designing public infrastructure including roadways, storm drain systems, water and wastewater lines. I have a bachelors degree in Civil Engineering
I work for UPS and optimize the system for sorting and shipping packages. I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Engineering
I ensure the chemical processes used to make the cell phone chips have minimal impact on the environment. My bachelors is in chemical engineering have a masters in chemistry.
I am a Space Shuttle Stress Analyst for Boeing. I analyze damage on the shuttle thermal tiles and support pre-launch analysis. I have a bachelors & master of science in mechanical engineering
I work for an onshore oil drilling rig company in Texas. I design and supervise the process of getting oil and natural gas out of the ground and into storage tanks. I have a bachelors of science degree in petroleum engineering
Cutting edge and challenging work Benefit to the community Many career options › Research, academics, industry, medicine, law, business, policy High demand Money
Petroleum Engineer$86,220 Chemical Engineer$66,437 Computer Engineer $61,121 Electrical Engineer $59,326 Mechanical Engineer$58,881 Industrial Engineer $57,734 Aeronautical Engineer $57,231 Biomedical Engineer $54,158* Civil Engineer $52,443
Do well in Math & Science Be a well rounded person Music, arts, foreign languages Sports, debate, community service Do things you are passionate about
Finish high school – take advanced math and science classes Earn a 4-year college degree, a bachelors to have a starting position. Some choose to go on to earn a masters, which is generally an additional 2 years beyond a bachelors. Some choose to go on to earn a PhD, which is an additional 4-6 years after a bachelors.
Top Schools in Texas › Texas A&M, University of Texas, Texas Tech Top National Schools › MIT, Stanford, California-Berkley
Lots of choices! From large companies to owning your own small firm From manufacturing plants, to hospitals, research labs, construction sites and common business offices. Some work for the government, some work for private industries. Some work in the US and some work abroad.
Varies Some wear business suits Some dress business casual Some dress for construction sites or manufacturing plants in hard hats and steel toed boots.
Varies Can be a typical 8-5, but can also be longer. It will vary by the company and the types of projects working on.
An engineering degree prepares you for many different careers, especially those in problem solving Can switch into other types of engineering Can become lawyers or business managers
Engineers have lots of choices! Engineering is a satisfying career that pays well and allows you to work with different types of people. Planning for your future starts now.