The Status of Water Services in County Galway A presentation to the Joint Committee on Environment, Transport, Culture and Gaeltacht 27 th September 2011
Our Waters as a Resource for All Water Framework Directive – – New approach to the management of water resources from Catchment to Tap – – Maintain or restore quality to High or Good status – – Prepare and Implement Catchment or River Basin District plans
Enabling Legislation Surface and Groundwater Regulations Determine minimum standards Drinking Water Regulations Regulate the quality of Drinking Water Wastewater Discharge Regulations Licence Municipal Wastewater Discharges
Drinking Water Regulations A Public Health Priority Multiplicity of Supplies many with inadequate treatment 44 of which 30+ in need of improvement Concerted effort to upgrade Remedial Action Programme nearing completion Estimated final cost €15m County Galway Compliance Improvement 100% (E Coli) 2010 Water safety plans Group Water Schemes
Wastewater Discharge Regulations An Environmental Priority Impact on sensitive and other waters Significant number of plants many outdated and above capacity 30 of which 16 are in need of upgrade Licensing by EPA Licence 1Cert of Authorisation 5 to date How to address deficiencies A Remedial Action Programme to mirror the Water RAL Small Sewerage schemes
Water conservation 2005:Total production :65k m3/d 2005:Total production :65k m3/d :UFW:36k m3/d (55%) :UFW:36k m3/d (55%) 2008:Total production :63k m3/d 2008:Total production :63k m3/d :UFW:30k m3/d (48%) :UFW:30k m3/d (48%) 2011:Total production :59k m3/d 2011:Total production :59k m3/d :UFW:26k m3/d (44%) :UFW:26k m3/d (44%) Leak Repairs: 3750 detected Leak Repairs: 3750 detected :2250 public main :2250 public main :1500 private supply :1500 private supply
Unaccounted For Water - Trend
Water Services Investment Programme A Public Health, Environmental And Economic Priority! Pace of delivery needs acceleration 10 schemes to start construction by 2012 Affordability Issue Overall cost €95.9m – local contribution €25-30m estimated (excl. RAL and Water Conservation) Borrowing Capacity Limited €34m borrowed already for current commitments
Financial Implications Development Levies Exhausted €22m applied in period Capital Borrowing Capacity €27m borrowed €32m likely to be required Repayment periods extended Operational Costs Constantly Increasing Impact of new and upgraded schemes, energy Network expansion through group scheme taking in charge Efficiencies achieved in energy usage and chemical costs. Revenue Diminishing Challenging economic climate
Revenue Budgetary trend Budget O &M Water€11,44m€13,97m€14,00m€13,12m Waste Water€4,22m€4,66m€6,42m€5,46m Total€15,67m€18,62m€20,42m€18,59m Total Budget€160m€146m€149m€144m % of total budget 9.8%12.8%13.7%13.0%
Revenue Budgetary Trend Local Government Fund AllocationChangeCumulative 2008 to 2011 Cumulative 2008 to €40.60m 2009€36.88m- 9% 2010€36.09m- 2% 2011€32.84m- 9%- €7.76m-19%
National Water Pricing Policy Charge per M Water Pricing Policy Cost 2011 Water Waste Water Consolidated
Conclusion Streamline the process for delivery of water services infrastructure to promote public health, improve environmental quality and facilitate economic development Revise funding mechanism for capital investment to ensure affordability of water services projects Focus on compliance, conservation and economic development potential to ensure priorities are met An appropriate funding stream to meet the increasing cost of water services provision