Nuclear Energy Targets: Explain how the nuclear fuel cycle relates to the true cost of nuclear energy and the disposal of nuclear waste. Describe the issues surrounding the use of nuclear power including advantages and disadvantages.
What is nuclear energy? Energy in the nucleus that can be use to make electricity when it is released. – Nuclear fission: atoms split apart to form smaller atoms releasing energy. ex. Uranium-235 – Nuclear fusion: energy is released when atoms are combined or fused together to form a larger atom. ex. Sun
What are the parts of a light-water reactor? Core: contains 35,000 to 70,000 long, thin fuel rods each packed with fuel pellets. Uranium oxide fuel: in each pellet 97% nonfissable U-238 and 3% fissionable U-235. Control rods: made of neutron- absorbing materials such as boron or cadmium used to regulate the rate of fission and amount of power produced. Moderator: made of liquid water, solid graphite, or heavy water to slow down neutrons emitted by fission process to keep chain reaction going. Coolant: this circulates through core to remove heat to keep fuel rods and other materials from melting and to produce steam for generating electricity. Containment vessel: consisting of 4 ft., steel- enforced concrete walls surrounding reactor core designed to keep radioactive materials from escaping into the environment. Water-filled pools/dry casks: 20 ft. deep pools of boron- treated water used for on-site storage of highly radioactive spent fuel rods.
What is the nuclear fuel cycle? Includes – mining of uranium – processing into a usable fuel – using it into a reactor – storing safely low and high-level radioactive waste – dealing with the highly radioactive reactor once it’s been decommissioned
What is the difference between a closed and open nuclear fuel cycle? Closed: fissionable isotopes Uranium-235 and Plutonium-239 are removed from fuel assemblies for reuse as nuclear fuel. – Remaining waste must be stored for at least 10,000 years. – Rarely removed to due to cost and potential use. – Prospective practice Open: isotopes are not removed by reprocessing the waste and buried eventually in underground and disposal facilities. – Current practice
Task: Assess the true cost of nuclear energy for each stage of the nuclear fuel cycle. For your assigned stage, create a pros/cons list and make a final assessment based on the list. – mining of uranium (5) – processing into a usable fuel (5) – using it into a reactor (5) – storing safely low level radioactive waste (4) – storing safely high level radioactive waste (4) – dealing with the highly radioactive reactor once it’s been decommissioned (4)