Template for Band 2 Workshops (Appendix) Go to most recent version of Module 2. (see Template for Band 2 Word document)
Following is slide 14; add a Band 2 Enter the User Name and Password for the specific institution. If you are conducting
Workshop (add country) User Name / Password User Name: Password:
Insert prior to slide # 19 If possible insert a slide that lists the Publisher exclusions for the specific country. This varies per country and even applies to Band 1 countries. The next slide is an example of a Band 2 country exclusions for 2010 Contact the HINARI HelpDesk and they will supply the specific list of exclusions.
Publisher Exclusions List - Countryxxx (2010) American Dental Education Association American Society of Animal Science American Society of Plant Biologists Annual Reviews CABI Faculty of 1000 IWA Publishing Multimed Royal College of Physicians of London Springer Thomson Reuters
Another slide that can be added is the list of journal publishers that are offered free to Band 2 institutions that have not paid the annual ($1000) subscription fee. See the next slide… This list is from May 2010 and journals form these publishers will have green boxes even if the institution does not pay the annual fee
Publishers offering free journals to unpaid Band 2 institutions (May 2010) (these will have green boxes even if the institution does not pay the annual fee) American Academy of Family Physicians (2 journals); American Academy of Pediatrics (5 journals and 2 reference works); American Association for Clinical Chemistry (1 journal); American Association for the Advancement of Science (2 journals and 2 reference works); American Heart Association (11 journals); American Medical Association (10 journals); American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc. (7 journals and 15 books); American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (3 journals); American Society of Clinical Oncology (1 journal); Australasian Medical Publishing Company (1 journal); Australian Physiotherapy Association (1 journal); Berkeley Electronic Press (7 journals); BioOne (148 journals); BMJ Publishing Group (32journals and 6 reference works); Botanical Society of America (2 journals); Cambridge University Press (46 journals); EBSCO Publishing (2 databases) European Respiratory Society (3 journals); International Medical Press (2 journals); IOS Press (71 journals); Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery [American volume] (1 journal); Mary Ann Liebert (70 journals); New England Journal of Medicine (1 journal); Nature Publishing (70 journals); OceanSide Publishing Inc (3 journals); Oxford University Press Books (1 book); Rockefeller University Press (3 journals); Royal College of General Practitioners (1 journal); Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health (1 journal); Schattauer Publishers (4 journals); and the University of Toronto Press (1 journal)
Substitute as slide 19 & insert as slide 20 (note: slide 20 is an additional slide for Band 2 access)
We have displayed the ‘L’ journal list. The green box notes access to the contents of the journal for you while the ! notes that your institution is denied access (predominantly Band 2 although some Band 1). Note that The Lancet is not accessible. Note that the ‘years of volumes’ available are listed after the journal title.
We have displayed the ‘I’ journal list with the green boxes that note full access for this Band 2 country. We will access Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology.
Substitute as slide 21 & 22 (note: these replace of original Module) Also note that these screen captures probably are not the most recent issue - as this is from the March 2010 monthly issue. You can either update the screen captures or explain why this slide is not the most current issue.
Accessing journals by title 4 Once you access a journal with a green box, another window will open at the journal publishers’ website. We have accessed the Table of Contents of the most recent issue.
We have opened an Original Article from this journal. Besides the default [Full Text] option, there is a [PDF] format that we will open.
Substitute as slides 27, 28 & 29 (in original Module)
Accessing journals by subject 3 From the Find journals by subject category drop down menu, we will select Internal Medicine.
Accessing journals by subject 4 An alphabetical list of Internal Medicine journals now is displayed with links to the journals’ websites. Scroll down the list and click on the title BMC Palliative Care. After the title of the journal, the available volumes/issues are listed.
By clicking on a journal title, you will open the journal in a new window: BMC Palliative Care.
create slides 31 & 32 (original Module) for specific language… Note: applicable if the workshop is in a non- English speaking country with a language that has publications in that language.
Accessing journals by Language continued An alphabetical list of French language journals is displayed. The ‘green’ box notes the access status for your institution.
Accessing journals by Language 4 Select a title from the list and a new window will open at the publishers’ website. Select a title from the list and a new window will open at the publishers’ website: Medecine et Maladies Infectieuses
Substitute slide 33 (original module); add slides 35 & 36
To Find journals by publisher, click on the drop down menu. We will access the Cambridge University Press journals list.
From the Cambridge University Press list, we will click on the link to the British Journal of Nutrition. Note that the available issues go back to V.90 (2003).
From the Cambridge University Press list, we have accessed the most recent issue of the British Journal of Nutrition. The HINARI subscription is noted by the publisher.
Substitute as slide 34 (in original Module). This example could be valid for Band 2 institutions but you might want to check? Note: original Module slides 35 & 36 can be deleted since these are for Band 1
Partner publisher services 1 We can also access full text resources from Partner publishers’ websites by selecting from drop down menu. Note that the menu lists which Publishers ‘You have full access to.’ For this Band 2 country, full access is to Oxford University Press and Science. Using Partner publishers’ websites will be taught in next module.
Substitute as slide 41 (in original Module) Note that some of the following slides are for resources that are not available in Band 2 (example Cochrane Library) ; these can be deleted – if you choose.
Note the restricted Reference Sources for this Band 2 country.
Reminder – when reviewing the ‘access problems and solutions’, stress that the users must check if they have access to the specific journal (green box). These are the following 2 slides – 56 & 57 in original module
Accessing journals by title 1 NOTE: If you have problems when you are accessing a full-text journal from HINARI/PubMed (not via the links from the principal HINARI page), there is one other step to check. If you are unable to access an article from a journal via the ‘Link Out’ icons in HINARI/PubMed, double check this by going to the title in the ‘Journals by title A-Z’ list and also verify the years of volumes available.
When viewing any page of the Journals by title A-Z list, the green box notes if your institution has access to the contents of the journal. The ! notes that your institution is denied access (predominantly Band 2 although some Band 1). If you are denied access to a full-text article despite the green box, follow the instructions in the next slide. Note that the ‘years of volumes’ available are listed after the journal title. Updated: