Marine Energy Resources in the North Atlantic Yann-Hervé De Roeck
Renewable energies on Earth Annual balance, facts and figures All yearly figures
l3 – IRENA Conference Source: IAE-OES, Non strictly resource related thresholds Bathymetry, population and EEZ
l4 – IRENA Conference Hurricane Ivan track Source: NOAA Wind climatology Source: Nasa Winds over the North Atlantic Steady resource and extreme weather events
Radar image for wind EnviSat compared to meteorological model Arome (Météo-France) Average accuracy with respect to in situ measurement : 1.5 m/s and 20°, 3% error in Weibull wind statistical parameters. Pixel: 950m x 950m. 400 km swath Wind resource assessment Remote sensing versus model hindcast
l6 – IRENA Conference Source : Gunn & Stock-Williams (2012) Source : previmer project, Waves over the North Atlantic As for wind resource, better statistics at the latitudes Big statistical difference between leeward and windward coasts Source: PREVIMER
SAR image of the Iroise Sea (Cosmo SkyMed) Ushent island offshore Brittany Wave resource assessment Remote sensing from synthetic aperture radar Average accuracy with respect to in situ measurement : significative height: 30 cm, wavelength: 36 m, direction : 17° Pixel: 20km x 20km. 400 km swath
l8 – IRENA Conference Tidal currents, mean velocity Source: Noveltis, Ocean currents, mean velocity Source: RSMAS, Miami. Currents over the North Atlantic Tidal resource for the near future, ocean resource for midterm development
Passage Kaki Hao atoll Tuamotu archipelago ~50 km Source: ‘Etude des courants de la passe « Kaki » de l’atoll de Hao Evaluation du gisement hydrolien’ Ifremer - Auteurs : Damien MARIGLIANO, Marc TAQUET 2011 Ifremer study and monitoring: combined effects of tides and waves coming from offshore breaking on the coral reef Current through passage (45%) > 1.5 m/s can reach 4 m/s Potential : some tens of MWh/year Possible exploitation : - main passage - hoas currents Wave and current energy : the atoll case Combined tidal and wave energy: the atoll case Tidal beating modulated by the outward current due to the drain of overtopping waves
l10 – IRENA Conference T Temperature difference between 20 and 1000m Source: Rajagopalan & Nihous (2012) Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion resource The revenge of the latitudes
Needs for large sets of Environmental Data Efficiency and impact 1- Estimate and plan the MRE resource a- LCOE depends on a 2 digit load factor 2- Design and size technologies a- Energy conversion optimisation b- Sea state thresholds for commissioning 3- Monitoring during exploitation a- Security / safeguard b- Optimal control for production c- Impact assessment 30 m WERPO wave project for Grenada island Openhydro-DCNS project for Bréhat, Alderney islands