Well-Being & Work Life Balance Staff meeting Monday 19 th March 2012
How are you feeling?
How do you want to feel?
How can leadership help you? Better communication – keep staff informed and be honest Give staff more time Trust staff to do their jobs well – provide autonomy & make expectations clear Make an impact on behaviour Provide more CPD Improve facilities Listen to ideas Consult staff before making more changes Avoid change unless it is really needed – too much all at once. Praise staff – give positive feedback not just negative Have a presence around the academies Improve work-life balance Organise social activities
What are we going to do? From September every member of teaching staff has more planning/management time and there will only be one meeting once a fortnight. AP’s 14, FD’s 28, DD’s 31, HL’s & LP’s 33 and MPS 35 lessons from 40. FD’s & DD’s - use the cover offered to give time for monitoring. 16 th April Positive Attitudes/Behaviour Rules & DART will be launched with staff and students. CPD programme from September will take place every other Monday evening that will be a programme of events, including improving work-life balance. There will be more money for CPD in the ADP from September.
What are we going to do? The new structure from September will bring certainties for the future. 30 th April there will be a session delivered to look at how we can take responsibility for our own positivity. There will be improvements in facilities over the summer, namely D&T, Art & new furniture at HPA. In terms of managing pressure, we did change the observation schedule after Christmas. Investigate creating a staff forum to share ideas from September.