Information Infrastructure 5 Major Components: - Computer Hardware - General Purpose Software - Networks and Communication Facilities - Databases - Information Management Personnel Information Architecture Transaction Processing System (TPS) Management Information Systems (MIS) - efficiency, effectiveness, and productivity Support Systems Intelligent Systems Integrating Support (and Other) Systems
Organizational Structure - The Hierarchical Structure - Project Management and Matrix Organization Mapping Information Systems to Organizational Structure - Departmental Information Systems - Plant Information Systems - Divisional Information Systems - Enterprisewide Information Systems - Interorganizational Information Systems
Strategic decisions Tactical or managerial decisions Operational decisions
Resources Are Managed by Whom Role of the Information Systems Department
Relationships Between the ISD and End Users The ISD and the end-user units must be close partners. Some mechanisms that provide the required cooperation are: - A steering committee that represents all end users and the ISD. This committee sets IT policies, provides for priorities, and coordinates IS projects. - Joint ISD/end-user project teams for planning, budgeting, application developments, and maintenance. - ISD representation on the top corporate executive committee. - Service agreements that define computing responsibilities and provide a frame work for services rendered by the ISD to end users. - Technical and administrative support (including training) for end users. - A conflict resolution unit established by the ISD to handle end-user complaints quickly and resolve conflicts as soon as possible. - An information center that acts as a help center to end users regarding purchase, operations, and maintenance of hardware and software.
Programmer Systems Analyst / Developer Telecommunications / Network Specialist Systems Operations Specialist Business Analyst Database Administrator Webmaster / E-Commerce Specialist
Reporter: Alima, Iam Vans Jimeno, David Paolo Reference: