 So…. Consider this quote: “If we content ourselves with being spiritually barren, the kingdom of God on earth is on a path of diminishing returns that.


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Presentation transcript:

 So…. Consider this quote: “If we content ourselves with being spiritually barren, the kingdom of God on earth is on a path of diminishing returns that comes nearer to extinction with each passing generation.” The Problem: Many, if not most, of us understand the responsibility we have to sow the Seed, bear fruit, and grow the kingdom by leading others to Christ. But… We’re unsure where to begin and what (exactly) to teach.

 Single Thread Lesson #1 Having Faith in God’s Word We’ve had several lessons toward this goal: “Opportunities for Testimony” to help us recognize openings for evangelism; “Fencing” Lessons 1-6 to help prepare us to constructively deal with the obstacles of others’ thoughts and beliefs; 3 Lessons on “The Church You Read About in the Bible” to be sure we understand the true identity, nature, and function of the church; and “You, I, and We Can Do This” was designed and delivered to show that saving others isn’t “rocket science”- that it can be fairly easily accomplished, and that “we” can do it! Now let’s get started….

 Single Thread Lesson #1 Having Faith in God’s Word The concept and method of the series…. Many people still want and see the need to “understand the Bible,” but have difficulty following the storyline of it when they try to read it. If we can show them that it has a single thread which runs from Genesis through Revelation, then it becomes much easier for them to follow and “see.” That single thread is “salvation through Jesus Christ.” Knowing this in advance is sort of like reading the last page of a mystery novel first- we can then “see” all of the clues along the way that help us follow the storyline (and it “makes sense”!). But, there is a little “background” information we need to cover first before starting the story. So, here’s how/where to begin…

 Single Thread Lesson #1 Having Faith in God’s Word Lesson Objectives: 1.To define true biblical faith; and 2.To show why and how biblical faith in God must be accompanied by faith in the Bible as His Word. Now that we know where we’re headed, let’s get started!

 Single Thread Lesson #1 Having Faith in God’s Word Hebrews 11:6, “And without faith it is impossible to please Him…” People use the word “faith” in a multitude of ways. Some mean: They believe in something, or that something will occur without any emphasis or reliance on deity at all. Others use the word to refer to a “better felt than told” sensation which they believe to be a “faith” given them by God. Still others believe that God speaks to them directly (dreams, visions, sensations), and that as a result of these, they have “faith.” Are all of these possible? Are any of these possible? What does the Bible say? Let’s read the rest of the verse to find out…

 Single Thread Lesson #1 Having Faith in God’s Word Hebrews 11:6, “And without faith it is impossible to please Him,” “for those who come to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.” Thus, true biblical faith must include: 1.Belief in the mind that God exists (mental ascent based on evidence, Rom.10:17); this the is foundation of faith; 2.Trust in the heart that God will reward the faithful (trust is from the heart as much if not more than the head); this is the benefit of faith; and, 3.Obedience in the life (the act of seeking God); this is the effect of faith. So, biblical faith includes our Intellect, our Emotion, and our Dedication, cp. Mark 12:30. We can’t please God with any less!

 Single Thread Lesson #1 Having Faith in God’s Word Now, before we can have this kind of faith in God, we must first have faith in His Word as the source (evidence) of our belief, trust, and obedience. This is true, because: 1.Although we can know (in the mind) God exists from natural revelation (seeing the evidence in creation), Rom.1:18-20; 2.We cannot trust (in the heart) or obey (in the life) Him without knowledge of His specific revelation- His Word, Rom.1: Thus, true “faith” in God (of the mind, heart, and body) must necessarily include “faith” in His Word!

 Single Thread Lesson #1 Having Faith in God’s Word Specifically, we must have “faith” in 3 specific regards to His Word: 1.Faith in its Inspiration- that God is responsible for its contents, 2Tim.3:16-17; 1Cor.2:6-13; 2.Faith in its Completeness- that everything He intended us to have, and thus everything we need, is included, 1Pet.1:22-25; 2Pet.1:2-4; and, 3.Faith in its Authority- that God has the right to rule or command, and that He does so through His inspired, complete Word, Matt.28:18; John 16: These men first spoke the words given then by inspiration, Acts 2:1-4,11,14ff; then they wrote them also, 1Cor.14:37; Eph.3:3-5. The N.T. is the result of this inspiration, and therefore is authoritative- the means of God’s rule.

 And “yes you can” teach this! Single-Thread #1: Having Faith in God’s Word This may seem like a lot to teach- but it really isn’t: 1.“Faith” includes Knowledge (intellectual acceptance that God exists in the Mind), Trust (emotional attachment to and dependence on Him with the Heart), and Obedience (conformity to His Word with the Body); 2.“Faith in God” must include “Faith in His Word”: a.Its Inspiration- that God is responsible for its contents; b.Its Completeness- that everything He intended us to have, and thus everything we need, is included; and, c.Its Authority- that God has the right to rule or command, and that He does so through His inspired, complete Word. This is the foundation on which the biblical story rests!