❧ Preparing NOYCE Scholars in the Rocky Mountain West to Teach Mathematics & Science Jacqueline Leonard Saman Aryana Joy Johnson Monica Mitchell University of Wyoming Grant #
❧ ❧ 9th Largest State by land area ❧ Lowest Population in US (584,153 residents) ❧ 48 School Districts (365 schools) ❧ 7,349 Teacher Workforce predominantly white & female ❧ 91,533 Students (81% White, 12% 3% Native American, 3% Asian, & 1% Black) ❧ Enrollment expected increase ❧ 31,578 (6.3%) in 2003 to 38,455 (6.6%) in 2013 Rocky Mountain Region: Wyoming Schools Context Data Source: Wyoming QuickFactsQuickFacts National Center for Education StatisticsStatistics
❧ ❧ Mission ❧ Recruit & retain diverse STEM teachers to increase number of highly qualified teachers in science and math who are committed to serving high-need students in rural towns in Wyoming and beyond ❧ A Robert NOYCE Scholarship Program ❧ Targets STEM undergraduates, graduates, & professionals interested in K-12 Teaching Certificate ❧ WITS targets future K-6 teachers Wyoming Intern to Teacher Scholars (WITS)
❧ ❧ Early recruitment activities in regional high schools ❧ Training and summer STEM education research internships during sophomore year ❧ Mathematics tutoring and mentoring ❧ Partner institutions for sustained professional learning communities WITS Four Components
❧ ❧ What are the barriers to success and mitigating factors for underrepresented minority STEM majors in WITS program? ❧ What types of academic support are most effective in alleviating stereotype threat? ❧ How did the summer research internship influence WITS participants’ teacher efficacy and retention in STEM? ❧ How did the tutoring/mentoring activities provided throughout the WITS program impact Noyce Scholars’ teacher efficacy and retention? WITS Study: Research Questions
❧ Theoretical Framework ❧ Self Efficacy Beliefs (Bandura, 1977; 1997) ❧ Science Teachers (Riggs & Enochs, 1990) ❧ Mathematics Teachers (Enochs, Smith & Huinker, 2000) ❧ Culturally relevant pedagogy (Gay, 2000; Ladson-Billings, 2009; Leonard 2008) ❧ Place-Based Education (hooks, 2009) ❧ Science Education (Aikenhead, Barton & Chinn, 2006) ❧ Mathematics Education (Long, 2009) ❧ Stereotype threat (Steele, 1997; 2010) ❧ Mitigation through mentoring (Ek et al., 2010)
❧ Methods Qualitative ❧ Participant reflections ❧ Focus groups (formal) ❧ Near-peer mentoring (informal) ❧ On-campus mentoring (hybrid) Quantitative ❧ Internship program evaluation survey ❧ STEBI-B (pre-service science teachers) ❧ MTEBI (pre-service mathematics teachers)
❧ Preliminary Data: STEBI-B & MTEBI Overall Means: ❧ STEBI-B ~ 4.17 (n = 5) ❧ MTEBI ~ 4.25 (n = 4) Teaching Self- Efficacy ❧ Science ~ 4.5 ❧ Math ~ 4.5 Teaching Outcome Expectancy ❧ Science ~ 3.8 ❧ Math ~ 4.0
❧ Year 1 Focus ❧ Established RECRUITMENT protocols ❧ Denver are high school and community college students ❧ Established relationships with UW admissions offices ❧ Established SUMMER INTERNSHIPS ❧ Developed a model ❧ Recruited 2 White females and 2 African-American Males
❧ Year 2 Focus ❧ Established MENTORING opportunities ❧ Formal with STEM Education professionals ❧ Informal with near-peer education advocates ❧ Hybrid with STEM/STEM Education research team ❧ Hybrid community outreach
❧ WITS Mentorship ❧ Safe & supportive environments ❧ A learning process ❧ Mitigate systematic disadvantages ❧ Boost self-efficacy ❧ Alleviate discrimination and prejudice
❧ ❧ Develop a model for replication in Rocky Mountain West ❧ Address recruitment & retention of STEM professionals (specifically of color) ❧ Change educational landscape by preparing diverse teachers of color in STEM fields ❧ Improve learning opportunities in high-need classrooms Significance of Study
❧ WITS Noyce Research Team of the University of Wyoming Jacqueline Leonard, Principal Investigator