Basic Portlet Copyright © Liferay, Inc. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced electronically or in print without written permission from Liferay, LLC.
Introduction Difficulty Level: Easy The source code for this presentation is located here: source-code-part1 Make sure to read the code! It’s important to become familiar with the basic structure before the exercises get more complicated.
Objectives The goal of this tutorial is to create a JSP portlet 1.Define the portlet portlet-ext.xml liferay-portlet-ext.xml 2.Create the JSP view.jsp
Directory Structure Configuration files are located here: ext\ext-web\docroot\WEB-INF JSPs are located here: ext\ext-web\docroot\html
Define the Portlet The first step will be to define the portlet in portlet-ext.xml The second step will be to define the portlet in liferay-portlet-ext.xml
portlet-ext.xml EXT_2 JSP Portlet Introduction com.liferay.portlet.JSPPortlet view-jsp /portlet/ext/jsp_portlet/view.jsp 0
text/html com.liferay.portlet.StrutsResourceBundle power-user user
Checkpoint 1.What is used for? 2.What is used for? 3.What is view-jsp? 4.What is /portlet/ext/jsp_portlet/view.jsp? 5.What is used for?
liferay-portlet-ext.xml The second step is to define the portlet in liferay-portlet-ext.xml EXT_2
view.jsp 1.Create the following directory structure: ext\ext-web\docroot\html\portlet\ext\jsp_portlet 2.Create view.jsp ext\ext-web\docroot\html\portlet\ext\jsp_portlet \view.jsp 3.Enter the following in view.jsp JSP Portlet!
Checkpoint 1.Why did we place view.jsp here? ext\ext-web\docroot\html\portlet\ext\jsp_portlet \view.jsp Hint: portlet-ext.xml 2.Where are configuration files like portlet- ext.xml and liferay-portlet-ext.xml located?
Deploy the Files to Tomcat 1.Click Start Run… 2.Type cmd and press Enter 3.Navigate to C:\Training\liferay\ext 4.Type ant deploy
Checkpoint Verify that your files were deployed to Tomcat correctly. This is a required step! 1.Go to \tomcat\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF 2.Check portlet-ext.xml and liferay-portlet-ext.xml and make sure they are correct 3.Go to tomcat\webapps\ROOT\html\portlet \ext\jsp_portlet 4.Make sure that view.jsp exists and that it is correct See the Troubleshooting section if your files were not deployed correctly.
Final Steps 1.Restart Tomcat: Click on the Tomcat Window Press Ctrl-C Double click startup.bat 2.Open up a new browser and type Login: Password: test 3.Click Add Content Undefined 4.Click javax.portlet.title.EXT_2
Troubleshooting Question: My files are not being deployed to Tomcat correctly! Answer: You have an error in app.server.{}.properties 1.Make sure that app.server.{}.properties is located in C:/Training/liferay/ext 2.Verify that your {} is correct 3.Make sure that app.server.{}.properties contains the following: app.server.type=tomcat app.server.tomcat.dir=C:/Training/liferay/tomcat
Troubleshooting Question: My portlet is not showing up when I click Add Content Undefined Answer: Your portlet is not defined correctly in portlet-ext.xml or liferay-portlet-ext.xml 1.Check portlet-ext.xml and liferay-portlet-ext.xml in C:/Training/liferay/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF 2.Make sure that the EXT_2 portlet is defined correctly.
Congratulations! You’ve created your first JSP Portlet! 1.Defined the portlet in portlet-ext.xml 2.Defined the portlet in liferay-portlet-ext.xml 3.Created the JSP in ext\ext-web\docroot\html\portlet\ext\jsp_portlet \view.jsp
Revision History Edward Shin09/14/06Updated for Liferay 4.1.2