University Chemical Hygiene Plan 2010 p H AZARDOUS W ASTE D ISPOSAL S EPTEMBER 20, 2011
Containers should not be stacked, instead call for pick-up Separate halogenated from non-halogenated liquids B ULK C HEMICAL W ASTE Containers must be closed at all times during storage, except when waste is being added or removed Syringes should go into trash can after previous removal of hazardous chemicals
Sharps: any material that has the potential to penetrate a trash bag and cut or puncture housekeeping personnel Examples: broken glass, needles, scalpels, etc. All sharps should be disposed by placing these items in a sharps container S HARPS D ISPOSAL
Broken glass should be disposed of in a broken glass container When you are ready for disposal, tape the lid closed and leave it outside the door of the lab B ROKEN G LASS Do not overload the box or place any liquid in the box