How do we write our resume? We will start from the top section and move down Each section will be specifically studied You should come out with a precise idea of how you want to do the resume There are NO specific templates to use Everyone’s resume is different
PERSONAL DATA or what is called “The Banner or Heading”- no information about age, height, weight, gender, marital status, race, religion, photograph, ss#, etc. NAME ADDRESS (LOCAL & PERMANENT IF NEEDED) PHONE NUMBER (CELL, LOCAL & PERMANENT LANDLINES) (MAKE SURE IT IS PROFESSIONAL) LINKEDIN ADDRESS AND/OR PERSONAL WEBSITE BRIAN D SANDERS Home: School: 6897 Red Lane 278 Ocean Way Thurmond, MD Ocean Town, MD (301) (410) /
CAREER OBJEECTIVE (OPTIONAL) ONE OR TWO PHRASES NOT TOO VAGUE OR TOO SPECIFIC BEST WRITTEN FOR A PARTICULAR JOB EXAMPLE Obtain a position as an Elementary School Teacher that will utilize my strong dedication to children’s development and to their educational needs.
EDUCATION DEGREE-(Graduation Date) MAJOR/MINOR GPA UNIVERSITY AND LOCATION FOREIGN STUDY PROGRAMS RELEVANT COURSES-??-May be separate sectionEXAMPLE: Candidate for Bachelor of Science May 201X Major: Elementary Education/Minor: Psychology Major GPA: 3.6/4.0-Overall GPA: 3.2/4.0 Salisbury University, Salisbury, MD Relevant Coursework: “Integrating Technology in the Classroom” Must be upper level class. Only 2-3 classes and describe them.
Other Experience INTERNSHIPS VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE COMMUNITY SERVICE EXPERIENCE RELATED PART-TIME JOBS COACHING/ATHLETICS EXAMPLE Substitute Teacher, Evergreen School District Spring 201X-Present Vancouver, WA Instruct elementary physical education program in primary and intermediate grades, and middle school classes in physical education, math and science Teach adeptly in diverse classes with students of differing ability, background and ethnicity
WORK EXPERIENCE Paid employment List most recent job first For each job that you select, list your job title first, employers name, city and state, dates of employment, brief results oriented descriptions-give examples EXAMPLE: Special Education Student Teacher, West Elementary, Salisbury, MD Spring 201X Taught enthusiastically in K-6 resource room with both pull-out and push-in programs Designed, planned and implemented math, reading, writing and social skills lessons for small groups of varying skill levels based on Common Core State Standards Assessed students using Woodcock-Johnson and Brigance Inventory of Early Development
ACTIVITIES LIST ORGANIZATIONS STATE YOUR ROLE BRIEFLY DESCRIBE IF APPLICABLEEXAMPLE Chairperson, LEADS Program 201X-1X Counseled local “high risk” elementary school students on the importance of education
HONORS SCHOLARSHIPS ATHLETIC AWARDS HONORARY SOCIETIES DEAN’S LIST GRADUATING WITH HONORSEXAMPLE: Kappa Delta Pi- Educational Honor Society, Salisbury University Participated in various activities within the honor society. Volunteered in community activities to work with local children. Worked with the community to promote reading. Dean’s List- 4 semesters, Salisbury University
OTHER??- Usually not a good title-consider using such titles as “Awards/Honors, Volunteer Work, Coaching, Community Services, Activities, Certificates, etc.” Must be pertinent to your job objective Include activities such as memberships, leadership offices held, professional associations, social and school organizations All of this shows you are well-rounded and able to work with others NO high school listings anywhere! Only a few exceptionsEXAMPLE:Activities: “Served as Head JV Basketball Coach and served as Assistant Varsity Basketball Coach for Bennett High School in Salisbury, MD”
Reference Page Rules Do not include on your resume Use separate page of resume paper Only people who can attest to your workability and personal qualities 3-5 references List name, title, employer, phone, , and relationship to you Grad school references usually academic
Tips for Choosing References Consider different types of references Get permission to use someone Go over all details for each reference-what is required All requirements of school or employer requesting the reference should be addressed by YOU Keep your references informed Be sure to thank your references
REFERENCES of JOHN WILLIAMS Dr. Star WeaverDr. Sam Seagull Education ProfessorDirector of Career Services 1251 TETCSalisbury University Salisbury University Education Dept.Salisbury, MD Salisbury, MD Supervisor Faculty Mr. Charlie Endicott Associate Director of Career Services Salisbury University Salisbury, MD Academic Advisor
Don’t list anything that has to do with your high school experiences. They are considered “expired” Don’t include your GPA unless 3.0 or higher Don’t include specific addresses for your employment; the state and county is all you need Don’t use any font larger than 16 point-only use this for name Don’t include any personal information other than , permanent/present address, phone # Don’t include spelling or grammatical errors
Top 10 things employers look for in a resume 1.Organized & conscientious 2. Communication 3. Leadership 4. Interpersonal 5. Adaptable/flexible 6. Analytical/problem solving 7. Teamwork 8. Positive attitude 9. Energy 10. Passion/enthusiasm Embed these skills in your resume
Recruiter Pet Peeves 1.Spelling errors, typos, poor grammar 2.Lacks specifics; talk accomplishments 3.Missing/inaccurate dates 4.Missing/inaccurate contact info 5.Poor formatting 6.Long resume 7.Long, dense paragraphs -use bullets
PORTFOLIO POWER A Portable Collection of Evidence
What is a Portfolio? GETTING STARTED the ideas and objectives that inform your teaching the courses you teach or are prepared to teach the methods you use your effectiveness as a teacher how you assess and improve your teaching
WHAT MATERIALS Philosophy Statement Sample Syllabi (See Preparing a Syllabus.) Courses Taught (note if TA or course instructor) Courses Planned (tailor for specific applications) Sample Assignments and Assessments Essay Assignments Exams Comments on Student Papers Evidence of Teaching Effectiveness Student Evaluations Evaluations by Faculty member or other observer Teaching Awards Video of a Class Evidence of Professional Development Teaching Workshops, Seminars, Publications, etc.
USES OF THE PORTFOLIO Show & Tell “During the interview, use the folio to support… as evidence… “It is an aid to the interview”