A State Element “Zoo”
Edge-Triggered D Flip-Flop Master-slave design is expensive in transistor count Same result can be had using a different design that uses only 6 NANDs 6 * 4 = 24 transistors Want to design a circuit that responds on the positive edge of the clock pulse only
Positive Edge-Triggered D Flip-Flop Clock P4 P3 P1 P2 5 6 1 2 3 Q 4
Analysis of Previous Flip-Flop When Clock = 0 P1 = P2 = 1 Q and Q' remain unchanged P4 = D' and P3 = D When Clock transitions 0 1 P4 transmits thru gate 3 P2 = D P3 transmits thru gate 2 P1 = D' Q = D and Q' = D' After the 0 1 transition of Clock Clock = 1 P1 = D', P2 = D, P3 = D, P4 = D' (memory) Clock transitions 1 0, back to P1 = P2 = 1 case (memory) If D = 0 at edge of Clock P4 = 1 regardless of any further D changes If D = 1 at edge of Clock P2 = P3 = 1 regardless of any further D changes
Clear and Preset Controls on MS FF Active low clear and preset – asynchronous operation on a Master-Slave D Flip-Flop Preset = 0 Q = 1 Clear = 0 Q = 0 Q D Clock Preset Clear D Q Clear Preset
Clear and Preset Again Same operation, but using an edge-triggered D FF D Clock Q Clear Preset Preset Clear D Q
Synchronous Clear Control Clear can also be done synchronously with the clock
Terms Reviewed Latch Gated latch Master-slave flip-flop Two NANDs (or NORs) used to store one bit Gated latch Latch with an control enable, called Clk Two basic types: SR and D, both level sensitive Master-slave flip-flop State changes only on clock edge; made from two gated D latches Edge-triggered flip-flop Same as MS FF with fewer transistors
T Flip-Flop Toggle flip-flop Output toggles on clock edge D = T'Q + TQ' T Q(t+1) Q(t) 1 Q(t)' D Q T Clock T Q
JK Flip-Flop JK behaves just like SR but removes the S=R=1 problem Output toggles on clock edge when J = K = 1 D = JQ' + K'Q J K Q(t+1) Q(t) 1 Q(t)' D Q J Clock K J Q K
State Diagrams: D The D flip-flop has the following state table Note that changes on clock edge are always assumed The corresponding state diagram is Again, transitions occurs only on a clock edge D Q 1 D Q(t+1) 1 Q(t+1) = D 1 characteristic equation
State Diagrams: T The T flip-flop state table The state diagram is T Q 1 T Q(t+1) Q(t) 1 Q(t)' Q(t+1) = TQ(t)' + T'Q(t) = T Q(t) 1 characteristic equation 1 1
State Diagrams: SR The SR flip-flop state table The state diagram is S Q(t+1) Q(t) 1 x S R Q 00 01 11 10 x 1 Q(t+1) = S + R'Q(t) 10 0x 1 x0 characteristic equation 01
State Diagrams: JK The JK flip-flop state table The state diagram is J static hazard!! J K Q(t+1) Q(t) 1 Q(t)' J K Q 00 01 11 10 1 Q(t+1) = J Q(t)' + K' Q(t), or Q(t+1) = J Q(t)' + K' Q(t) + J K' 1x 0x 1 x0 characteristic equation x1
Characteristic Equations Summary of the characteristic equations How is the next state determined from the inputs and current state? Flip-flop Characteristic Equation D Q(t+1) = D T Q(t+1) = T Q(t) SR Q(t+1) = S + R' Q(t) JK Q(t+1) = J Q(t)' + K' Q(t)
Excitation Tables Summary of the excitation tables For each state transition Q(t) Q(t+1), what input combination(s) will produce that transition? Q(t) Q(t+1) D T SR JK 0x 1 10 1x 01 x1 x0
Common TTL Flip-Flops 7474 is a positive edge triggered D flip-flop Active low Preset (PRN) and Clear (CLRN) 7473a is a negative edge triggered JK flop-flop 7473 is the master-slave version positive edge triggered
Registers A flip-flop stores one bit of information When you want to store n bits register n flip-flops used Clock is shared by all so action is synchronous with clock edge Some common register types Simple register Shift register Parallel access shift register Lots of counters: up counter, down counter, BCD counter, ring counter, Johnson counter
Simple 4 Bit Register A standard 4 bit register using D flip flops Q 3 2 1 Clock Parallel input Parallel output D
4 Bit Register with Load Control Controlling the load capability Q 3 2 1 Clock Parallel input Parallel output D Load
Simple Shift Register Provide only serial in/out access D Q Clock In 1 2 3 4
Action of Shift Register Can you use a level sensitive gated latch instead of a flip-flop? No! The values would propagate during Clock = 1 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Q Out = In
Parallel Access Shift Register Provide parallel data load Provide parallel data read Provide serial shift Shift/Load = 0 Shift right Shift/Load = 1 Load Q 3 2 1 Clock Parallel input Parallel output Shift/Load Serial input D
Example Problem: General Shifter Design a parallel access (parallel data in / out) shift register that can load or shift either left or right – choice dictated by a control signal Then add the ability to "stay in memory" Don't forget to connect serial in to both MSB and LSB S1 S0 Function memory 1 SHR SHL load
Solution: General Shifter Q 3 Clock Parallel input Parallel output D 0 1 2 3 s1 s0 SRSI SLSI
74164 Shifter 8 bit serial in / parallel out shifter (used in modems) Active low clear (CLRN) Data-in provided by AND(A,B) Positive edge triggered shift right register
74165 Shifter 8 bit parallel in / serial out shifter (also used in modems) Active low asynchronous parallel load – output is H CLKIH is an active high clock inhibit – memory state Positive edge-triggered shift right register: SER is serial in
74194 Bi-Directional Shifter 4 bit bi-directional shifter with parallel load Active low asynchronous clear Shift Left Serial In (SLSI) Shift Right Serial In (SRSI) Positive edge-triggered
Asynchronous Counters Up counter using T flip-flops Count clock pulses Q0 toggles on every 0 1 clock edge Q1 toggles on every 1 0 transition of Q0 Q2 toggles on every 1 0 transition of Q1 T Q Clock 1 2 MSB of count
Delays in Asynchronous Counters Propagation delays slow this counting process! T Q Clock 1 2 Clock Q 1 2 Count 3 4 5 6 7
Asynch Modulo 8 Up Counter This counter counts 000 001 … 111 000 Assumes output is in order Q2 Q1 Q0 Modulo 8 up counter The lower order flip-flop is synchronized to the Clock All other flip-flops are not – asynchronous Also called ripple counter T Q Clock 1 2
Asynch Modulo 8 Down Counter To count 111 110 … 001 000 111 T Q Clock 1 2 Clock Q 1 2 Count 7 6 5 4 3
Synchronous Counters Asynchronous counters are slow due to propagation delays Synchronous counters share the clock among all flip-flops clock cycle Q2 Q1 Q0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 T0 = 1 always toggle T1 = Q0 toggle when Q0 = 1 T2 = Q1Q0 toggle when Q1Q0 = 1 T3 = Q2Q1Q0 toggle when Q2Q1Q0 = 1 …
Mod 16 Synchronous Up Counter Q Clock 1 2 3
Waveform for Mod 16 Up Counter Q Clock 1 2 3 Clock Q 1 2 Count 3 5 9 12 14 4 6 8 7 10 11 13 15
Adding Clear and Enable Signals Just use T flip-flop with asynchronous clear Cascade the Enable via AND gates to the T inputs Recall: T toggle only when T input = 1 Enable T Q T Q T Q T Q Clock Q Q Q Q Clear
4 Bit Up Counter Using D Flip-Flops How can you make an up counter using D flip-flops? clock cycle Q2 Q1 Q0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 D0 = 1 Q0 always toggle D1 = Q1 Q0 toggle when Q0 = 1 D2 = Q2 Q1Q0 toggle when Q1Q0 = 1 D3 = Q3 Q2Q1Q0 toggle when Q2Q1Q0 = 1 …
4 Bit Up Counter Enable input permits control of counter Output carry permits chaining of counters to make larger ones Clock Enable D Q 1 2 3 Output carry
Counter With Parallel Load Want a counter that can load any initial value that you desire in order to start the count Load = 1 load Enable = 1 increment Load = Enable = 0 memory Enable D Q 1 2 3 Load Clock Output carry
Mod n Counting for n 2k Most counters reset (cycle) to 0 when all k flip-flops are 1 value of count = 2k-1 Mod 8 counter: k = 3 000 001 010 … 111 000 How to synchronously reset when value < 2k-1? Want to allow something like: 000 001 … 101 000 This is a mod 6 counter
Mod 6 Synchronous Up Counter When output = Q2Q1Q0 = 101, load 000 to force reset on next clock edge This provides a synchronous reset Enable Q 1 2 D Load Clock
Another Mod 6 Up Counter This version provides an asynchronous reset Look at the narrow width of the 101 output level! recognizes 1x1 T Q Clock 1 2 Clock Q 1 2 Count 3 4 5
Other Counter Types BCD Counter Ring Counter Johnson Counter Count from 0 to 9 and back to 0 Cascade the counters to mimic decimal counting 00 01 … 09 10 11 … 19 20 … Each position is a BCD digit Ring Counter 4 bit ring count: 1000 0100 0010 0001 1000 … One-hot output that cycles in a ring Johnson Counter 4 bit count: 0000 1000 1100 1110 1111 0111 0011 0001 0000 …
2 Digit BCD Counter Enable Q 1 2 D Load Clock 3 BCD Clear Is 1 when 1xx1 is detected -- first time is for 1001 = 9
4 Bit Ring Counter Using a Decoder Counts 1000 0100 0010 0001 1000 …
Ring Counter Using D Flip-Flops A design that uses a minimum of combinational logic, but uses more flip-flops D Q Clock 1 n – Start asynchronous preset asynchronous clear
Johnson Counter n-bit counter that generates a sequence of length 2n 0000 1000 1100 1110 1111 0111 0011 0001 0000 …. D Q Clock 1 n – Reset pushes the initial 1 into the count
CAD for Sequential Circuits
Verilog for Sequential Circuits Sequential circuits are modeled in an always block Example of an implied memory element The gated D latch Verilog assumes the value of Q must be maintained if Clk is 0 and therefore synthesizes a latch
Verilog for D Flip-Flop Sensitivity list needs to specify clock edge, not just change in level Can specify: posedge or negedge Verilog will use flip-flops to synthesize circuits that are edge-triggered
Verilog for T and JK Flip-Flops Negative edge triggered versions Also provides complemented outputs
Verilog Example treated as g = (x1 & x2) | x3
Verilog Example: Reversed Order Order matters inside an always block!
Blocking Assignments The order of statements inside an always block can affect the synthesized design All previous examples use blocking assignments Verilog evaluates the assignments in an always block in the order in which they are written This can cause unexpected designs treated as Q2 = D since Q1 = D
Non-Blocking Assignments What if you wanted a “cascaded” design for the previous example? The assignment to Q2 should be from the “previous” Q1 Need both assignments to occur in parallel on the same clock edge The LHS of a non-blocking assignment is updated after all RHS values for all assignments have been evaluated non-blocking assignment
Non-Blocking Example Compare this to the earlier example using blocking assignments
Verilog Coding Tips Use blocking assignments when designing combinational logic Non-blocking is OK when doing finite state machine (FSM) design (to be covered later) Use non-blocking assignments when designing sequential logic (including for latches) Do not mix blocking and non-blocking assignments in the same always block Use separate always blocks for this, if needed
Adding Asynchronous Clear The sensitivity list cannot mix edge triggered and level sensitive events Must make reset edge-triggered, but on a different edge
Synchronous Clear The only change is in the sensitivity list ResetN overrides the input
Verilog for N-Bit Register
Verilog for N-Bit Register With Load Add a load enable input
Verilog for 4-Bit Shift Register One technique: build a simple 2X1 MUX controlled D flip-flop Q 3 2 1 Clock Parallel input Parallel output Shift/Load Serial input D Provide parallel access (including load) and shift right
4-Bit Shift Register: Continued A hierarchical design mixing behavioral and structural styles
N-Bit Shift Register: Behavioral Style
N-Bit Up Counter Provide an n-bit up counter with asynchronous clear and an enable control
N-Bit Up Counter With Load Provide an n-bit up counter with asynchronous clear, an enable control, and parallel load
N-Bit Up/Down Counter With Load
Alternate Version of U/D Counter blocking assignments are executed before non-blocking ones
Good Coding Style As a matter of good coding style … Do not mix blocking and non-blocking assignments in the same always block It may work, but you may confuse yourself! Use separate always blocks when you need both types Repeating earlier rules … Use blocking assignments for combinational logic Use non-blocking assignments for sequential logic, and latches
Best Version of U/D Counter This style separates blocking and non-blocking assignments into separate always blocks