Healthy, Active Lifestyles & How They Could Benefit You
Starter Which of the following statements describes a physical benefit of exercise? A: Meeting new people B: Gaining an aesthetic appreciation of movement C: Feeling better about body shape D: Improving body shape
By the end of this chapter You will know: What makes up a healthy active lifestyle. The benefits of physical activity And be able to Classify the benefits of a healthy active lifestyle under the three categories.
Healthy, active lifestyle LEARN THIS!!!!!!! Definition ‘A lifestyle that contributes positively to physical, mental and social wellbeing and includes regular exercise and physical activity.’
Why people take part in Physical Activity?
Task... Using your homework and own opinion, discuss with your partner the benefits that can be had from doing physical activity– jot down any ideas.
Categorise the Benefits Split the benefits up into 3 different categories using your best judgement social Physical MENTAL
Categories Physical activity and exercise has a positive effect on physical, mental and social well being. But what are they? (create your own definition) Physical - Mental - Social -
Physical – Improving health and fitness. Mental (AKA: Psychological) – Reducing stress & feeling better about yourself. Social – Making friends and building teamwork skills.
VERY OFTEN THE BENEFITS OVERLAP For example, If you are overweight you might take part in physical activity to loose weight (PHYSICAL BENEFIT), but you might feel better about yourself as well. (MENTAL BENEFIT).
Find 5 for each catagory! Contribute to good physical health Make new friends Increased self-esteem and confidence Contribute to enjoyment of life Improve performance Help the individual feel good Flexibility Develop teamwork/cooperation Mental challenge (can I do it?) - Cardiovascular fitness Meet current friends Physical challenge (can I do it?) Relieve and/or prevent stress and tension Increase fitness - Muscular strength Mix with others - Body Composition
Physical Social Mental (Psychological) Contribute to good physical health Physical challenge (can I do it?) Increase fitness Improve performance Improve any of the health related exercise factors: - Cardiovascular fitness - Muscular strength - Flexibility - Body Composition Mix with others Make new friends Meet current friends Develop teamwork/cooperation Work with others Relieve and/or prevent stress and tension Mental challenge (can I do it?) Increased self-esteem and confidence Help the individual feel good Contribute to enjoyment of life
Can you list the benefits of taking part in physical activity.
Now you need to be able to explain how the benefits are achieved!!!!!
PART 2 – how the benefits are achieved.
What physical aspects does sport produce? Why do we lift weight? Run? Stretch?
Exercise and Physical Activity will: Improve cardiovascular fitness Increase strength Improve body composition (% of body weight which is fat, muscle & bone) Improve flexibility Tone muscles All physical benefits. However, they produce additional benefits, such as.........
Obviously Yoga will help this man to get increase his fitness etc. Result Obviously Yoga will help this man to get increase his fitness etc. But...are there any other benefits?
Task Read through the 7 benefits on page 12, 13 & 14. Write up in your own words how they can contribute to you living a healthy, active lifestyle. Include an example of a physical activity to support your explanation.
What did you learn? How does Physical Activity: Increase individual well-being Help the individual to feel good (serotonin) Help relieve stress, and prevent stress related illness Increase self-esteem and confidence Contribute to good health Contribute to enjoyment of life
EXAM QUESTION Geoff has recently been diagnosed with depression. The doctor has recommended he join a sports club. Explain. (6 marks)
Reasons for taking part in Physical Activity
Reasons & Benefits The reasons that people take part in Physical Activity link closely with the benefits that they receive!!
Reasons for taking part in Physical Activity Choose somebody in the crowd and give 5 reasons and benefits to why they participate in the Marathon. Use the book to help you. Identify each benefit as either: Physical Mental Social
Example: Why do they take part in the London Marathon They like the physical challenge – Physical They enjoy the competition - Mental GB Athlete
Participation in physical activity can stimulate: Cooperation Competition Physical challenge Aesthetic appreciation The development of friendships HOW? – give and example
SPLAT The Competition Social Network PHYSICAL Stress & Tension MENTAL The Competition A healthy active lifestyle Social Network PHYSICAL Stress & Tension Personal Exercise Programme Improve their Health Aesthetic Appreciation Body composition Serotonin Looking Good Make them feel better Work in a team
Plenary – End of topic A healthy active lifestyle is: A lifestyle that contributes positively to physical health and includes regular exercise and physical activity. A lifestyle that contributes positively to physical and mental health and includes regular exercise and physical activity A lifestyle that contributes positively to physical, mental and social well-being A lifestyle that contributes positively to physical, mental and social well-being and includes regular exercise.
Recap Remember: The 3 categories Very often benefits & reasons will overlap, try to think which is their best fit Use examples!! Questions