1 Infants: The Feeding Relationship
2 If you could be a crayon, what color would you be?
3 Food and You Attitudes toward food develop early in life Food choices impact long term health Eating habits are linked to chronic diseases
4 Feeding Conveys Feelings of Caregiver
5 Think about the last time you fed a baby. What kind of feelings did you communicate?
6 Developmental Milestones In Feeding Attachment Trust Exploration Independence
7 Bottle Feeding Techniques Always hold baby Support head Tip bottle so milk fills nipple Wait for baby to stop eating to burp
8 What kinds of things upset or distract babies during feeding
9 How does a baby tell you “ I am full! ”
10 Breast-Fed Babies
11 Advantages of Breast Feeding Right balance of nutrients Immune factors Special bonding with Mom Recommended by doctors Less likely to develop food allergies
12 Tips to Support Breast-Feeding Moms Make infant’s last feeding 1-1½ hours before Mom arrives. Provide a comfortable place for nursing.
13 Food Safety and Infant Feeding Always wash your hands and the infant’s BEFORE and AFTER feeding.
14 Keeping Breast Milk Safe Refrigerate at 41 F, up to 48 hours from the time it was collected. Frozen breast milk will keep up to 3 months. Do not allow to sit out at room temperature.
15 Keeping Breast Milk Safe Store milk in sterilized bottles or nursing bags. Ask Mom to label each container withchild’s name, date, and time collected. Do not warm in microwave.
16 Keeping Breast Milk Safe Thaw frozen milk under warm running water. Shake to mix. Use thawed breast milk within 24 hours. Do not refreeze thawed milk. Discard unused milk.
17 Keeping Infant Formula Safe Store bottles in refrigerator at 41 F or lower. Formula will keep up to 48 hours. Do not allow to sit out at room temperature.
18 Keeping Infant Formula Safe Warm under running water. Do not warm in microwave. Discard unused milk.
19 Child Care Providers Make a BIG Difference in the Lives of Babies in their Care!