Synonyms & Antonyms Stephanie Chappell Interactive PowerPoint
Table of Contents Synonyms Antonyms
Synonyms Synonyms are words that mean the same or almost the same as another word. “Small” is a synonym of “Little”. That puppy is really small. That puppy is really little.
Which of the following is a synonym for “child”. Adult Kid Grown-up
Which of the following is a synonym for “bad”. Excellent Good Terrible
Which of the following is a synonym for “laugh”. Giggle Frown think
Antonyms Antonyms are words that mean the opposite of a other words. “Short” is a antonym of “Tall”. The man is really short. The man is really tall.
Which of the following is a antonym for “fast”. Quick Slow Speedy
Which of the following is a antonym for “happy”. Joyful Glad Sad
Which of the following is a antonym for “asleep”. Snooze Awake Nap
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