What is Cancer? Generic term to describe diseases in which abnormal cells divide without control. It is the number 2 leading cause of death in the United States
In 2008, 7.6 million people died from cancer-that is 13% of people worldwide 70% of deaths occur in low and middle income countries. Worldwide, the 5 most common types of cancer that kill women are (in the order of frequency): breast, lung, stomach, colorectal and cervical. Worldwide, the 5 most common types of cancer that kill men are (in order of frequency): lung, stomach, liver, colorectal and esophagus. n.htm
When these cells begin to invade the tissues, the tissues begin to enlarge. This is termed a TUMOR There are 2 types of tumors: benign and malignant
Benign Tumors Why aren’t benign tumors deadly? They are localized and grow VERY SLOWLY Therefore, NOT ALL CANCERS ARE FATAL! Some benign tumors may present problems, but only if they grow big enough and push on organs, blood vessels or nerves.
Malignant Tumors Invade and damage tissues and organs. Do not respond to the normal feedback mechanisms in your body. INVASION occurs when the tumors spread to other tissues. Metastasis occurs when these malignancies cause secondary tumors. “The tumor has spread.” META=beyond Stasis=stability/slowing
Cancer Triggers a defect in the genes responsible for cell growth will cause rapid division of the cancer cells Some other triggers may also cause the mutations-environmental, genetic, illness, Some cancers are preventable In fact, tobacco use is the single largest preventable cause of cancer worldwide.
What are the behaviors of malignant cells? Cell changes in size and shape Growth distorts the tissue, then the metastasis begins “Prison Break” into the Lymphatic system, blood vessels, there becomes an increase in the number of the cancer cells in circulation. “Bullies” Not all malignancies are a death sentence if caught early. 30% of cancer could be cured if detected early and treated adequately.
What helps malignant cells grow rapidly? Growing in blood vessels they are supplied with oxygen and nutrients essential for life. How can we slow the growth? By using the Antiangiogenesis factor Angio=blood vessel Genesis=birth or beginning Anti=against
Tumors can affect ANY PART OF THE BODY There are over 100 types of cancer >30% could be prevented by: Not using tobacco Maintaining a healthy diet Staying physically active Preventing infections 1/5 of all cancers are caused by chronic, preventable infections such as HPV, Hepatitis B or HIV, for example. 30% of cancers could be cured if detected early and treated adequately (Information taken from 0_en.html)
Cancer at the organ level CELL--- TISSUE-- ORGAN Number of cancerous cells increase, organ function decreases Cancer cells interfere with the original function of the organ. Cancer cells are now regulating the organ and it doesn’t know how to function properly.