Earth’s Surface Chapter 1 Mapping Earth’s Surface Review and Reinforce Lesson Quiz Answer Keys
Lesson 1 Exploring Earth’s Surface Review and Reinforce Worksheet 1. Low 2. Mountains 3. Plateaus 4. Mountains, hills, and valleys are features of topography formed by the processes that shape Earth’s surface. They have different combinations of elevation and relief. 5. Both contain mountains, with high elevation and high relief. A mountain range is a group of mountains related in shape, structure, area, and age, while a mountain system is a group of mountain ranges.
Lesson 1 Exploring Earth’s Surface Quiz 1. high 3. elevation 5. true 7. relief 9. lowland 2. true 4. true 6. plateaus 8. system 10. elevation
Lesson 2 Models of Earth Review and Reinforce Worksheet 1. prime meridian 2. equator 3. Western 4. A map is a model of all or part of Earth’s surface as seen from above, while a map projection is a framework of lines that is used to transfer points on Earth’s surface onto a map’s flat surface. 5. It means that Washington, D.C., lies atlatitude 39 degrees north of the equator and longitude 77 degrees west of the prime meridian.
Lesson 2 Models of Earth Quiz 1. C 3. D 5. prime meridian 7. key 9. true 2. B 4. A 6. true 8. projections 10. longitude
Lesson 3 Mapping Technology Review and Reinforce Worksheet. 2. computer 3. pixels 4. They use data from many sources, including aerial photographs and the satellites of the Global Positioning System. 5. Satellite images show what covers Earth’s surface, including plants, soil, sand, rock, water, snow, and ice. 6. A GIS, or Geographic Information System, is a system of computer hardware and software used to produce interactive maps of many kinds. 7. digitizing 8. satellite images 9. pixel 10. Global Positioning System, or GPS
Lesson 3 Mapping Technology Quiz 1. Data layers 3. pixel 5. satellite image 7. A 9. D 2. Positioning 4. Computers 6. Digitizing 8. D 10. B
Lesson 4 Topographic Maps Review and Reinforce Worksheet 1. elevation, relief, and slope 2. Index contour lines are every fifth contour line and are darker and heavier than others. 3. 1 centimeter equals 0.24 kilometer 4. It cannot because a contour line connects points of equal elevation. 5. Within the coastline of the island, you would have eight closed contour lines, one inside the other, forming a closed loop at the center. 6. The person could use it to judge the steepness of the land. Experienced skiers and hikers would want steeper land; less experienced people would want gentle slopes. 7. contour interval 8. Index contours 9. contour line 10. topographic
Lesson 4 Topographic Maps Quiz 1. true 3. interval 5. Topographic 7. slope 9. ridge line 2. true 4. toward 6. interval 8. flat 10. line