Water A Treasured European Resource Questionnaire Analysis Malta - Italy
Do you have running water at home? All Maltese respondents have running water at home
How important is it for you to have running water in your household?
How many people are there in your house? Number of households
What is the source of drinking water that you have in your house?
What kind of water do you prefer to drink?
How important do you think saving water is?
Why is saving water important? Other people need it Because it is so important Clean water is becoming so scarce For future generations It is a vital source of life So everyone will have water available for daily use Saving water is important for the environment It is a limited resource We are lucky to have it To save on money
Do you close the tap when you are not directly using the water?
Do you save air conditioning water to water the plants?
Do you use bath water/washing water to flush the toilet or for other purposes ?
Suggested ideas on how to save water Do not use more water than needed Use appliances that do not use so much water Collect water in well Reuse water to wash car Fully load washing machine/dish washer Take showers not baths Take shorter shower Taps should not drip Reduce water pressure