{ S3 Music Technology Music for a Christmas Animation Inverurie Academy Faculty of Expressive Arts
Creating a Sound Track for a Christmas Animation Learning Intentions 1. You are going to create a sound track for a Christmas animation of your choice 2 Create a sound design map for your chosen animation 3. Create Foley sounds for your animation using the Zoom/mics and Focus Scarlett box. 4. Use the internet and controller keyboard to source/make sound effects and background music for your animation 5. Convert your Foley etc. to Mp3 files 6. Import all your sounds and match up to your animation 8. Export your animation as a QuickTime Movie 9. Evaluate your work 7. Apply basic mixing techniques to your work
Success Criteria All pupils will be able to …… Select an animation of their choice to work with and create a Sound Design Map Use the internet to source sound effects Upload the sfx into Cubase and match up with the animation Most pupils will be able to …… Use the Zoom H1 and or mics and focus Scarlett box to create Foley and or Dialogue Convert the Foley etc to Mp3 files Evaluate their work and upload this to the S3 Music Tech blog Export their finished project as a Quick Time Movie Some pupils will be able to …… Apply basic mixing techniques to their work.
Stage 1 1.Go to Shared Documents – Faculties – Creative Arts – Music – – S3 Music Tech – Christmas movies 2.Listen to and watch all the animations in the folder and choose one for your project. 3.Copy and Paste your chosen animation into a new folder in you’re my documents called CHRISTMAS MOVIE PROJECT. 4.Complete a SOUND DESIGN MAP detailing all the sounds you hear and are where they come from – live recoding, foley,dialogue, sound effect. (your teacher will hand these out) Work through this brief in order to complete your project – please ensure you read the instructions carefully and update your session log at the end of each period…..
Stage 2 1.Create your own Sound design map – carefully detailing what sounds you need and where are you going to get them –foley, sound effect (from the internet or controller keyboard, music/background. Complete the map on the next slide. Sound Design Map example TimeFoleySound EffectMusic/backgroundDialogue background music footsteps on snow reindeer singing
Sound Design Map TimeFoleySound EffectMusic/backgroundDialogue background muisc ice skating 08 dropping noise 11 dropping noise 12 dropping noise 15 dropping noise 17 dropping noise 18 dropping noise 19 dropping noise 21 dropping noise 26 falling noise 28 crashing noise 30 wave noise 31 merry Christmas
Stage 3 Block your sounds: Blocking Sounds FoleySound EffectDialogueMusic/backgroundOther
These websites have great effects but there are many more:. Just google – ‘free sound effects’ User Name: moggsmusic Password:room55 User Name: N45MT Password: room55
Stage 4 1.Open a new CUBASE Project – CHRISTMS MOVIE SOUNDS 2.One block at a time make/compose your effects and export as MP3 files using AUDIO MIXDOWN. 3.Sound Effects will download as MP3s automatically from the internet (if you are using CHROME they will go straight to your ‘downloads’ folder. (Use CHROME FOR THIS) 4.Use the Zoom H1 for Foley sounds and also the mics and Scarlett Focusrite Audio box for sounds/dialogue. 5. Create instrument tracks and experiment with the virtual keyboard /controller keyboard. 6.Ensure you NAME EACH SOUND!!! and store together in your project folder – CHRISTMAS MOVIE SOUNDS 7.This will take quite a while but its important that you do this carefully and thoroughly.
Stage 5 1.Open a new project – CHRISTMAS MOVIE 2.Import the video you have chosen to work with 3.Set the time line to – time code and time linear (right click on the time line to do this) 4.The F8 shortcut will allow you to see the video too. 5.Import your sounds one at a time and line up with the video (Import audio file)
Stage 6 1.Press F3 and you will get the MIXER 2.Now balance up each track using the sliders to adjust the volume. 3.Use PANNING to decide which speaker the sounds are coming from. 4.Use Fade out/ in if appropriate. 5.Experiment with REVERB 6.Watch your movie! Panning Reverb in here Volume
Stage 7 1.Export your completed project as a QUICK TIME Movie (see the hand out for this) 2.Complete your CHRISTMAS MOVIE EVALUATION (at the end of this power point) 3.Upload this power point including your Evaluation to the S3 MUSIC TECH BLOG 4.Save your Movie to the TERABYTE HARD DRIVE at the teachers’ desk.
Date: What I have done today: What help I needed: Evidence I have produced, where and how it is stored: Session Log Use this space to insert screen shots of your work (print scr and paste - ctrl + v)
Date: What I have done today: What help I needed: Evidence I have produced, where and how it is stored: Session Log
Concepts/Effects Used in my music Date: REDI need to spend more time on this AMBERI am beginning to do this well GREENI am confident at doing this Personal Assessment Record PupilTeacher/Peer Criteria REDAMBERGREENREDAMBERGREEN 1Create a sound design map to accompany the Animation 2Use the internet to search for and download sound effects as.wav and mp3s 3Use mics/Zoom H1 to record foley sounds/dialogue 4Use the controller keyboard to compose sound effects 5Apply basic mixing, EQ and balancing techniques. 6Bounce down an audio master. Differentiated Success Criteria LO1:All pupils will be able to... LO2:All pupils will be able to... LO3:Most pupils will be able to.. LO4:Some pupils will be able to