How to Make a Science Concept Map
What general science topics interest you? Write three of these topics that interest you the most at the bottom of your paper.
Food Dyes?
Rivers and Streams?
Hot Wheels & Newton’s Laws?
Ice and Melting & Freezing?
pH of Liquids or Solids?
Cooking or Baking?
Soap, Detergent, & Bubbles?
Bread Mold?
Nail Polish?
Paper Towels?
Step 1: Draw an oval. Put one of the topics you circled in the center. One Science Topic
Step 2: Draw 3 ovals in a line below the first oval. Connect these ovals to the first oval with lines. Add three important details. DINOSAURS SUPER- CONTINENT JURASSIC PERIOD TYRRANO- SAURUS
All-Earth Pangaea Age of Dinosaurs Largest dinosaur Meat- eater DINOSAURS SUPER- CONTINENT JURASSIC PERIOD TYRRANO- SAURUS Step 3: Add 5 more ovals, details, and lines
Laurasia Gondwanaland All-Earth 144 million years ago 4-Foot Jaw Carnivore Divided In half Pangaea Age of Dinosaurs Largest Dinosaur Meat- eater DINOSAURS SUPER- CONTINENT JURASSIC PERIOD TYRRANO- SAURUS Step 4: Add 5 more ovals, details, and lines
1.You MAY change your mind on your topic! 2.You MAY NOT choose plants or animals as your topic! IMPORTANT!
SCIENCE CONCEPT MAP DUE DATE: Monday, January 26, 2004