Supported Housing Employment Compact Training December 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

Supported Housing Employment Compact Training December 2009

Why is the Compact being put in place?  Helping homeless people to increase their incomes by getting into work prevents homelessness for the long term  Raising incomes can also: - widen people’s housing choices - increase confidence and reduce isolation - improve mental health - reduce domestic violence and other forms of abuse - create safer and more stable communities  Costs of unemployment are felt by individuals, council tax payers, city council, and government

Unemployment in Newcastle Newcastle residents at end of 2008:  27.4% of people of working age were economically inactive % in the country as a whole  8.9% were unemployed - 5.7% across the whole country Short term supported housing residents in 08-09:  44% job seekers  24% not looking for work  22% sick or disabled

Homelessness and worklessness Unemployment rate has got much worse for homeless people over last 20 years:  Around 85% of single homeless not in work  In temp. accom: 65% homeless families, 57% under 18s out of work (2005 figures)  Six out of ten homeless people have low or no qualifications

Public Sector Agreements  PSA 16: to increase the proportion of socially excluded adults in settled accommodation and employment, education or training

Newcastle’s Local Area Agreement National Indicator 152:  To reduce the proportion of residents of working age who are on out-of-work benefits to 14.9% by March 2011  Baseline is 16.3% in 2007

Newcastle’s Employability Action Plan Priorities are:  Engagement at all stages along the pathway – priority groups are harder-to-reach groups (including homeless), young people, lone parents, people from BME groups, and people in Incapacity Benefit  Progression sustained  Holistic 1-1 support

Places of Change programme  Places of help to make changes: help people to make the changes needed to be able to live independently  Physical changes: £8.5m investment in hostel redevelopment in the city  Changes in approach: Overcome barriers to housing and to work; and get involved in meaningful activities

Other drivers  Welfare reform – people will need to be able to demonstrate that they are moving towards work – or face reduced benefit  Adding value to the other work of supported housing providers in addressing worklessness  Building links with other agencies

Our aims 1. Developing clear progression pathways towards employment for supported housing (and social) residents: - engagement - training - education - employment 2. Same minimum level of help regardless of which landlord or support provider

Our aims 3.Ensure housing staff know how and where to refer residents to 4.Ensure opportunities offered within the housing sector are available to all 5.Be able to demonstrate the outcomes from the offer of help from housing providers

The client journey ENGAGEMENTDIAGNOSTICS Employer Involvement EMPLOYABILITY SERVICES JOB PLACEMENT RETENTION Pre - engagement Stability Phase

The offer for supported housing residents (homeless sector)  Ask all supported housing customers if they want help to get involved in education, training or employment  Use the Support Plan to help people to identify their goals, strength and weaknesses  Help people to overcome barriers to work, and to develop their skills, confidence, and motivation – and to get involved in meaningful activities  Make referrals to Newcastle Futures (or other services)  Display information about access to employment and skills provision  Monitor outcomes – so we know if the approach is helping

Our partners  Tackling worklessness: Newcastle Futures – employment support agency targeting most disadvantaged and hardest to reach, and strategic co-ordination role  Supporting people into independence: Supporting People – fulfilling government expectations  Supported housing providers  JobCentre Plus and Connexions  Welfare Rights Service