DELTA: Geochem mode. Analysis results of mining activities Sonia GÜiza González Geochemistry – International Mining Group (IMG) Olympus Innov-X
Content Mineral processing samples for Exploitation mining. 2. Soil samples for Exploration mining. 3. Standard Rocks for Petrographic identification. Conclusions
1. Mineral processing samples CASE DESCRIPTION: Samples sulfurs concentrates of Cormin Laboratory in Peru. Results for: As, Pb, Zn, Cu, Ag. RESULTS: Laboratory –without information analytical methodology (perhaps AA) and Niton results. ABREVIATORS: Lab = laboratory results D = Delta; geoch = mode geochem; min = mode miner N = Niton
Summary fit parameter (R2) Element Delta Niton D_Geoch D_Min Zinc-Zn 0.985 0.986 0.975 Lead-Pb 0.951 0.943 0.899 Copper-Cu 0.987 0.982 0.963 Arsenic-As 0.239 0.44 0.21
Comparison results Zinc Lead
Cont. Cupper Arsenic
Silver Analysis Type No. values Range fit parameter (R2) Laboratory 21 70 to 8790 ppm Delta_geoch 14 78 to 11604 0.9967 Delta_min 3 1210 to 5969 Niton 20 14 to 4883 then 18329 0.7337
2. Auger soil sampling The presence of a veneer of post-mineralization over-burden and a well developed organic soil horizon posed a problem for surface soil sampling. Hence, auger drill-ing (up to 4 to 5 meters depth) was proposed as an effective method to collect a representative sample from the B-soil horizon sampling target.
Description results Count samples: 45 PULP SAMPLE: Sample with preparation requirements (drying, crushing, splitting, pulverizing to 75 micron – 200 mesh). Chemistry Analysis: ALS-Chemix; ICP-AES; aqua regia digestion. ABREVIATORS: Lab = laboratory results, D = Delta; gch = mode; s = soil, N = Niton; HH_PA = Handheld Portable Analyzer; N = number values or results >LOD.
Comparison type elements Exclusive elements results by laboratory analysis that was ICP-AES were Ba, Be, Ce, Ga, Ge, Hf, In, La, Li, Na, Re, Sc, Tl Type D_gch D_soil N NO Lab result, exclusive HH_PA Cl, Si Cl Cs, Pd HH_PA and Lab too. Al, Mg, P, Ta, Nb, Y Ba, Sc, Te Result = <LOD Au, Ag, Cd, Sb, Se, Sn, U, W Co, Mg Co Hg, Pb, S, Te, Th HH_PA = Handheld Portable Analyzer; D=Delta and N=Niton.
Summary fit parameter (R2)
Statistical Analysis Bold is laboratory result with unit of concentration. Bold is lab result; D=Delta; gch=geochem; s=soil.
Excellent correlation HH_AP&Lab Iron Manganese
The best is Delta Lead (N was <LOD) Zinc (N got 33 results, D got 45)
Geochem is not the best Calcium, D_gch got 13 results only Cupper, D_gch got 26 results only
N is the best Potassium Vanadium
Logarithmic Scale Niobium Arsenic
Other examples Nickel depend to LOD, better Delta Ytrium result the best of Delta (Niton haven’t this element)
4. Standard rocks of USSG Standard Type AGV-2 Andesite CLB-1 Coal COQ-1 Carbonatite DNC-1 Diabase DTS-2b Dunite DGPM-1 Disseminate gold NOD-A-1 Manganese nodule SGR-1b Shale W2a
Comparison major elements as oxides
Correlation coefficient diagram
Comparison for element D=Delta geochem mode
Comparison every samples Standard Delta_geochem Standard Delta_geochem
Trace elements Lab = Standard result; D=Delta Ds=mode soil and Dgch=geochem
Conclusions 1. Geochem mode for exploitation mining is recommendable if there are elements of low concentration and custom need some light elements. 2. Soil mode for exploration mining is more recommendable that geochem mode because, samples as soil or sediment has a low concentration of elements. 3. Geochem mode is recommendable for lithological studies, which are important comparison of rocks and geochemistry orientation survey.
Other conclusions Geochem mode should replace Mining Plus Mode, but NOT mining. This mode has one beam so the time of analysis is quickly as possible. Mining mode is an excellent option for fast diagnostic, for example As and Pb on gold samples. Geochem LOD has some differences than Soil mode. It is necessary to know what elements and what is the difference of LOD. Geochem mode have NOT replaced the soil mode yet. Geochem Mode is necessary to review some elements add if it is more useful in mining activities as tellurium by gold exploration or remove some elements. Other case is Neobium has a good result on logarithmic scale.