Universal Frequency Reference Presented first at Gippstech 2012 V1.11 Glen English VK1XX
Frequency reference system Provides reference for any radio Low noise fundamental output 1Hz – 150 MHz Provides 30 mHz steps with 125 MHz clock Locked to GPS, auto holdover Low Power ( W depending on power supply and output ) and 60 x 80 mm Can be controlled/setup from PC
Implementation Any GPS provides 1 pulse per second Uses a DDS (direct digital synthesiser) Free running TCXO or OCXO provides clock Frequency of XO not critical Many XOs do not have external V ctl- not required.
Basic Block diagram XO Frequency counter GPS DDS LPF and driver CPU
How DDS works (simplified) Consists of a binary counter and an adder The counter has a maximum value The RF output is connected to the highest bit (MSB) of the counter. A clock is input which every time there is a positive-going transition, a fixed value is added to the counter. The amount added to the counter every ‘clock’ determines the how often the counter rolls over its maximum value
DDS counter 4 bit binary counter being incremented with value of 3 every clock. 0000,0011,0110,1001,1100,1111,0010,0101, 1000,1011,1110,0001,0100,0111,1010, bit binary counter being increment with value of 1 every clock 0000,0001,0010,0011,0100,0101,0110,0111, 1000,1001,1010,1011,1100,1101,1110,1111, 0000,0001,0010,0011,0100
DDS cont Example Counter with max value of 100 If a clock adds a value of 5 at 1MHz, what will be the rollover rate per second? = (clock freq * step) / counter max (eq1) = (1,000,000 * 5 ) / 100 = 50,000 times per second.
DDS cont2 This DDS : can be clocked up to 400 MHz Has a rollover value of 2^32=4,294,967,296 Allows for very precise frequency steps if used as a synthesiser Using (eq1) 125e06 * 100,000 / (2^32) = Hz 125e06 * 100,001 / (2^32) = Hz Cosine lookup table is connected to the counter so that the DDS generates sine as well as square waves.
Frequency control Precise DDS frequency steps allow us to use any source frequency for any output frequency DDS has clock multiplier to further enhance flexibility. But no control over frequency of source oscillator ? How do we lock this to the GPS ?
Frequency Counter We count how many cycles of the fixed XO occur between 1PPS from the GPS If 63,000,005 oscillator cycles are counted for each 1pps GPS pulse, the frequency must be 63,000,005 Hz Now we know the frequency of the XO
CPU calculation Think of DDS as a fractional divider (for the moment) For 10 MHz output, we must program the DDS steps for (63,000,005 / 10,000,000) Which is which we can do…. The XO frequency is measured every 2 seconds and the new ‘divisor’ (step) is applied to the DDS Enables drift in XO to be compensated for Averaging of different lengths are provided to enhance precision
Implementation I figured this out when building WSPR DDS based exciters- I had odd frequency XOs available PCB costs about $50 of bits depending on the type of oscillator used. Better results with better quality oscillators -can work with $1 oscillator if does not change too much per update cycle. Proto used $4 125MHz TCXO. Care taken to ensure no feedthru noises from digital controller into oscillator.
CPU job : Count clocks per GPS 0.5 pps pulse Update moving average Calculate actual XO frequency Calculate new Frequency Tuning Word Write to DDS
Outputs PCB has: 100mW RF driver Opto isolated closures Serial port for config/ctl DAC output for audio tone generation Can accept any oscillator 5 to 125 MHz input
Detailed Block diagram XO DDS LPF and driver Divider /1,2,4,8,16 Multiplier x 1,4,5,6..20 CPU+ counter Divider /1,2,4,8,16 /2GPS 19.8 MHz 9.9 MHz 19.8MHz ~118.8MHz 13.2MHz 1Hz0.5Hz serial GPS data
Jitter Notes Jitter performance of output limited to jitter performance of source XO DDS output inherently has jitter equal to the DDS clock on output – this is why we low pass filter On board filter design important to reduce jitter Use highest DDS clock (by using on-chip multiplier) to ease filtering requirements Jitter important when reference is multiplied up to 10 GHz.
Limitations It is basically a frequency counter. Longer counting times will yield more precision. Compared with counting for one second, If the number of cycles over 10 seconds are counted, there is 10x the precision, as the ‘error’ produced is 10x what it would have been over 1 second. Or average the 1 second results over 10 seconds (take avg of 10 numbers), -same though bias in the number crunching must be removed.
Oscillator limitations Internal correction of some cheap TCXOs
Moving averages Currently a moving average is used – for each GPS 1pps pulse, the last n counts are added together and divided by n. Update is therefore on the fly, but incapable of tracking changes faster than the filter length because current estimate is made up of last n values. Thermal drift limit is imposed on the XO This goes for all disciplined oscillators
Accuracy and Precision Averaging improves error precision Accuracy is based on 1pps GPS output Count 1,000,000 cycles over 1 second = 1Hz precision (1ppm) Count 10,000,000 cycles over 1 second = 0.1 Hz precision (0.1ppm) Faster counters yield improved basic precision.
Improving precision Higher precision per counter gate time (1 pps) yields better drift tracking capability. Averaging improves precision but takes time Sure we can get ppm if we wait a long time. Some applications required good precision hold and absolute frequency accuracy is unimportant. Some applications required high accuracy – IE blind netting on 10 GHz.
XO Thermals Averaging with drifting XO just takes average of the frequency over the drift. Moving average is behind the time. Yes more precision due to averaging. But drift over averaging period reduced accuracy. 10 MHz 1PPM XO (0-70C ) : if drifts 5 deg C Drifts ppm. A country mile
Drift calcs ppm. (5deg C)Not a country mile if over days. If 10 MHz counter clock, 0.1Hz precision per 1 second gate. = 0.1 ppm Desired precision 0.01ppm = 10 sec averaging/counting. Max thermal drift over 10 seconds is 0.7deg C.
Solution to drift problem 2nd order predictor The future events can be predicted from the previous events Useful for warm up / warm down drift Non linear change with time variations OK Not useful for random drift
Drift 2 Solution to short term random drift Higher counter frequency 30MHz counter clock = ppm/ sec Vs 10 MHz clock = 0.1 ppm/sec Averaging over long periods provides further precision but system can respond to short term drifts at high precision.
More basic precision by add clock multiplier 10 MHz XO GPS DDS LPF and driver CPU/ counter X10 VCO-PLL 10 MHz (0.1ppm/sec) 100 MHz (0.01 ppm/sec)
Next version 48 bit DDS will provide 1mHz control steps at 10 GHz Higher counter speeds (32 MHz)/slave osc. Predictor improvement. Need to port 128 bit math lib to micro. On board GPS receiver opt. (adds about $50) High Z square wave output. More flexible power supply
Extras Also functions as a stand alone FSK style beacon – WSPR implemented. Can connect to PC to provide steps smaller than CAT control provides for doppler tracking.- FT Hz CAT steps example. Radio will follow the reference frequency blindly. Fast to get going (20 seconds after gps aq.) Can do chirps, FM, PSK, FSK
files/tutorials/ DDS_Tutorial_rev pdf DDS tutorial :