HERBAL MEDICINE Herbal medicine is the use of plants for medicinal purposes. Modern medicine recognizes herbalism as a form of alternative medicine. Modern medicine does make use of many plant derived Compounds as the basis for pharmaceutical drugs. Herbs can be used for things such as cooking and soothing teas which all have beneficial effects. Most herbs are safe to use but there are some Herbs that should only be used by a professional practitioner.
There are various herbs that we use every day such as parsley which is one of the richest sources of vitamin C. It is also an effective diuretic helping the body the body to rid itself of excess water. It also helps to calm the Gastrointestinal system and is a good source of vitamin K.
Chamomile is a widely used herb. It is commonly used as a gentle relaxant. This herb is pleasant tasting which makes it good for a tea preparation. The recommended amount for tea would be 1 cup of water to 2 teaspoons of the herb let that soak for 10-15 minutes. Chamomile is also great for symptoms such as indigestion and Gastritis.
Herbs such as Lobelia can be dangerous to use. It is important to research an herb you are unfamiliar with before using it. Herbs Such as Lobelia are best left to a professional for use. Lobelia is a systemic relaxant. It is also used for cramps and as a respiratory stimulant. At high doses it is used as an emetic. It is commonly used as a tea which as a treatment it is generally taken 3 times a day, ½ teaspoon in 1 cup of water. Lobelia is similar to nicotine. It is considered toxic because of its strong emetic effect.
You can find out more about herbs and herbal therapy at the Following websites. The American Botanical Council http://cms.herbalgram.org International Journal of Herbal Medicine http://www.florajournal.com The National Center for Complimentary and Alternative Medicine, NIH http://nccam.nih.gov Sage Mountain Herbal Retreat Center http://www.sagemountain.com
Some good educational resources about herbal therapy are available such as The Essential Herbal http://www.essentialherbal.com The Herb Quarterly http://www.herbquarterly.com
REFERENCES Gladstar, R. (2001). The Science and Art of Herbalism. Hoffman, D. (1996). Holistic Herbal. Element.