Virtual Functions Junaed Sattar November 10, 2008 Lecture 10
Today Inheritance types Virtual functions how why run-time (a.k.a “true”) polymorphism
Access specifiers classes can be inherited public, protected, or private we've seen public inheritance The difference?
Inheritance Summary
Constructor/Destructor Order Destructors, constructors, and assignment operators are not inherited they may be called automatically were necessary Constructors are called from the “bottom up” Destructors are called from the “top down”
Example class Base { public: Base() { cout << "calling base constructor." << endl; } ~Base() { cout << "calling base destructor." << endl; } }; class Derived1: public Base{ public: Derived1() { cout << "calling derived1 constructor." << endl; } ~Derived1() { cout << "calling derived1 destructor." << endl; } }; class Derived2 :public Derived1{ public:Derived2() { cout << "calling derived2 constructor." << endl; } ~Derived2() { cout << "calling derived2 destructor." << endl; } }; int main(){ Derived2 d; }
Output calling base constructor. calling derived1 constructor. calling derived2 constructor. calling derived2 destructor. calling derived1 destructor. calling base destructor.
Virtual Functions C++ matches a function call with the correct function definition at compile time known as static binding the compiler can match a function call with the correct function definition at run time known as dynamic binding. declare a function with the keyword virtual if you want the compiler to use dynamic binding for that specific function.
Virtual Functions The virtual keyword indicates to the compiler that it should choose the appropriate definition of a function not by the type of reference, but by the type of object that the reference refers to.
Virtual Methods Therefore, a virtual function is a member function you may redefine for other derived classes, can ensure that the compiler will call the redefined virtual function for an object of the corresponding derived class, even if you call that function with a pointer or reference to a base class of the object. A class that declares or inherits a virtual function is called a polymorphic class.
Declaring virtual prefix declaration with the virtual keyword redefine a virtual member function in any derived class this is called overriding understand the contrast with overloading
More on definition overridden function must have same name and same parameter list no need to use the virtual keyword again return type can be different if the parameter lists are different, they are considered different in this case, it is not overridden, but hidden hidden methods cannot be called
Example class A { public: virtual void f() { cout << "Class A" << endl; } }; class B: public A { public: void f(int) { cout << "Class B" << endl; } }; class C: public B { public: void f() { cout << "Class C" << endl; } };
Output int main() { B b; C c; A* pa1 = &b; A* pa2 = &c; // b.f(); pa1->f(); pa2->f(); } Outputs: Class A Class C
Synopsis b::f() is not allowed it hides A::f() (a virtual function) not overloading (why?) method overloading must happen within the same class, not in inheritance hierarchies c::f() is allowed virtual, overrides A::f()
So, why? a hierarchy of geometric shape classes draws circles, ellipses, rectangles etc just use method draw throughout the hierarchy Line RectangleCircle SquareEllipse draw()
More why to enforce a software design developers must define their own implementation e.g. ImagingDevice objects (webcam, firewire, disk images, movies..) must acquire frames in their own way should have uniform interface (hiding implementation details) use pure virtual methods
“Pure”ly Virtual a virtual function declared with no definition base class contains no implementation at all class containing a pure virtual function is an abstract class similar to Java interfaces cannot instantiate from abstract classes enforces a design through inheritance hierarchy inherited classes must define implementation
Example class A { public: virtual void f() = 0; // pure virtual }; class B: public A { public: void f() { cout << "Class B" << endl; } }; class C: public B { public: void f() { cout << "Class C" << endl; } };
Output int main() { B b; C c; A* pa1 = &b; A* pa2 = &c; pa1->f(); pa2->f(); } Outputs: Class B Class C
Another example class ImagingDevice { protected: unsigned char *buffer; int width, height;... public: ImagingDevice(); virtual ~ImagingDevice(); // virtual destructor... virtual bool InitializeDevice() = 0; virtual bool GetImage()=0; virtual bool UninitializeDevice() = 0; virtual void SaveImage()=0;... };
Continuing class USBDevice: public ImagingDevice {... public: USBDevice(); virtual ~USBDevice();... }; bool USBDevice::InitializeDevice(){... } bool USBDevice::UninitializeDevice(){... } bool USBDevice::GetImage(){... } void USBDevice::SaveImage(){... }
Why virtual destructor? for properly cleaning up dynamically allocated memory class Base{ public: Base(){}... }; class Derived: public Base { int *memory; public: Derived(){ memory = new int[1000]; } ~Derived(){ delete [] memory; } }
Virtual Destructor int foo() { Base *b = new Derived();... delete b; // will not call destructor of d, as it // should, (why?) }
Diagnosis If not declared virtual, compiler uses type of pointer to decide which method to call in this case, b is of type Base, so the Base destructor will get called memory leak from d (how?) solution: always declare destructors virtual, even if no other virtual functions
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