doc.: IEEE /0308r0 Submission September 2008 Gerald Chouinard, CRCSlide 1 CPE Antenna Reference Pattern IEEE P Wireless RANs Date: Authors: Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE Patent Policy and Procedures: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE 802 Patent Policy and Procedures including the statement "IEEE standards may include the known use of patent(s), including patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard." Early disclosure to the Working Group of patent information that might be relevant to the standard is essential to reduce the possibility for delays in the development process and increase the likelihood that the draft publication will be approved for publication. Please notify the Chair Carl R. StevensonCarl R. Stevenson as early as possible, in written or electronic form, if patented technology (or technology under patent application) might be incorporated into a draft standard being developed within the IEEE Working Group. If you have questions, contact the IEEE Patent Committee Administrator at >
doc.: IEEE /0308r0 Submission September 2008 Gerald Chouinard, CRCSlide 2 Proposed UHF reference antenna pattern for CPEs Comparison with simulated DTV antennas –Winegard P-4040 –Channel Master CM-4248 Field tests of cross-polar antenna isolation for 10 m separation Proposed UHF antenna pattern to be used in interference calculation with DTV Outline
doc.: IEEE /0308r0 Submission September 2008 Gerald Chouinard, CRCSlide 3 Proposed UHF reference antenna pattern for CPEs Comparison with simulated DTV antennas –Winegard P-4040 –Channel Master CM-4248 Field tests of cross-polar antenna isolation for 10 m separation Proposed UHF antenna pattern to be used in interference calculation with DTV Outline
doc.: IEEE /0308r0 Submission September 2008 Gerald Chouinard, CRCSlide 4 Proposed UHF Reference Pattern for the CPE antenna Based on cos 4 mainlobe and 20 dB backlobe and cross-polar discrimination.
doc.: IEEE /0308r0 Submission September 2008 Gerald Chouinard, CRCSlide 5 Main beamwith based on cos 4 (+/- 72°) to cover for lowest UHF frequencies (TV channel 14 at 473 MHz) Backlobe and cross-polar discrimination at -20 dB relative to maximum antenna gain –Somewhat more demanding than typical DTV receive antennas –Will be achievable with better quality TX/RX antennas designed for WRAN operation to control antenna matching (VSWR) for given range of frequency to protect the HPA –Note that this control of VSWR is much less needed in the case of TV receive antennas Rationale
doc.: IEEE /0308r0 Submission September 2008 Gerald Chouinard, CRCSlide 6 Proposed modification to the Draft 8.12 CPE transmit/receive reference antenna pattern The WRAN transmit/receive antenna at the CPE shall meet the reference antenna pattern depicted in Figure 159. This pattern was developed assuming a typical antenna gain of 12 dBi and is described by the following equations: Maximum relative gain (dB)= 10*log(cos^4(θ))-72º < θ < +72º = º < θ < -72º and 72º < θ < 180º Figure 159 CPE TX/RX reference antenna pattern
doc.: IEEE /0308r0 Submission September 2008 Gerald Chouinard, CRCSlide 7 Proposed UHF reference antenna pattern for CPEs Comparison with simulated DTV antennas –Winegard P-4040 –Channel Master CM-4248 Field tests of cross-polar antenna isolation for 10 m separation Proposed UHF antenna pattern to be used in interference calculation with DTV Outline
doc.: IEEE /0308r0 Submission September 2008 Gerald Chouinard, CRCSlide 8 Simulated patterns for the Winegard PR-4040 UHF TV antenna at 473 MHz (Calculated on-axis gain: 11.3 dBi) Based on NEC-4 computer simulations of the antenna model given at: 20 dB discrimination
doc.: IEEE /0308r0 Submission September 2008 Gerald Chouinard, CRCSlide 9 Simulated patterns for the Winegard PR-4040 UHF TV antenna at 617 MHz (Calculated on-axis gain: 12.6 dBi) Based on NEC-4 computer simulations of the antenna model given at: 20 dB discrimination
doc.: IEEE /0308r0 Submission September 2008 Gerald Chouinard, CRCSlide 10 Simulated patterns for the Winegard PR-4040 UHF TV antenna at 695 MHz (Calculated on-axis gain: 13.5 dBi) Based on NEC-4 computer simulations of the antenna model given at: 20 dB discrimination
doc.: IEEE /0308r0 Submission September 2008 Gerald Chouinard, CRCSlide 11 Proposed UHF reference antenna pattern for CPEs Comparison with simulated DTV antennas –Winegard P-4040 –Channel Master CM-4248 Field tests of cross-polar antenna isolation for 10 m separation Proposed UHF antenna pattern to be used in interference calculation with DTV Outline
doc.: IEEE /0308r0 Submission September 2008 Gerald Chouinard, CRCSlide 12 Simulated patterns for the Channel Master CM-4248 UHF TV antenna at 473 MHz (Calculated on-axis gain: 12.2 dBi) Based on NEC-4 computer simulations of the antenna model given at: 20 dB discrimination
doc.: IEEE /0308r0 Submission September 2008 Gerald Chouinard, CRCSlide 13 Simulated patterns for the Channel Master CM-4248 UHF TV antenna at 617 MHz (Calculated on-axis gain: 13.3 dBi) Based on NEC-4 computer simulations of the antenna model given at: 20 dB discrimination
doc.: IEEE /0308r0 Submission September 2008 Gerald Chouinard, CRCSlide 14 Simulated patterns for the Channel Master CM-4248 UHF TV antenna at 695 MHz (Calculated on-axis gain: 14.3 dBi) Based on NEC-4 computer simulations of the antenna model given at: 20 dB discrimination
doc.: IEEE /0308r0 Submission September 2008 Gerald Chouinard, CRCSlide 15 Proposed UHF reference antenna pattern for CPEs Comparison with simulated DTV antennas –Winegard P-4040 –Channel Master CM-4248 Field tests of cross-polar antenna isolation for 10 m separation Proposed UHF antenna pattern to be used in interference calculation with DTV Outline
doc.: IEEE /0308r0 Submission September 2008 Gerald Chouinard, CRCSlide 16 Tests performed outdoor at the Communications Research Centre, Canada (CRC) Antennas were mounted at 10-m separation distance to explore worst case mutual coupling Tests performed on Ch-17 ( 491 MHz), Ch-38 (617 MHz), and Ch-49 (683 MHz) Tests performed with the same, and in a few cases with different Tx. and Rx. antenna heights: –For same height, antennas were at 1.8 m above roof level –For different heights, Tx. antenna was at 1.8 m, and Rx. antenna was at 4.1 or 4.6 m above roof level Antenna Gain and Cross-Polarization Discrimination Field Tests
doc.: IEEE /0308r0 Submission September 2008 Gerald Chouinard, CRCSlide 17 Antenna Gain and Cross-Polarization Discrimination Field Tests Tx. Antenna (Vertical) 10-meter Signal Generator Spectrum Analyzer Rx. Antenna (Vertical or Horizontal) Roof Level htht hrhr 360 º rotation (at 15 º steps)
doc.: IEEE /0308r0 Submission September 2008 Gerald Chouinard, CRCSlide 18 Surrounding reflective environment
doc.: IEEE /0308r0 Submission September 2008 Gerald Chouinard, CRCSlide 19 Channel Master CM-4248
doc.: IEEE /0308r0 Submission September 2008 Gerald Chouinard, CRCSlide 20 Channel Master CM-4248
doc.: IEEE /0308r0 Submission September 2008 Gerald Chouinard, CRCSlide 21 Channel Master CM-4248 Antennas Direct DB2
doc.: IEEE /0308r0 Submission September 2008 Gerald Chouinard, CRCSlide 22 Roof of mechanical room used for elevation angle tests
doc.: IEEE /0308r0 Submission September 2008 Gerald Chouinard, CRCSlide 23 Antenna Gain and Cross-Polarization Discrimination Test Results Different curves are for reception from different Tx. antennas (Yagi and Panel), on different channels (49, 38, and 17) Co-pol pattern Cross-pol pattern -14 dB
doc.: IEEE /0308r0 Submission September 2008 Gerald Chouinard, CRCSlide 24 Antenna Gain and Cross-Polarization Discrimination Test Results (continued) Different curves are for reception from different Tx. antennas (Yagi and Panel), on different channels (49, 38, and 17) Co-pol pattern Cross-pol pattern -14 dB
doc.: IEEE /0308r0 Submission September 2008 Gerald Chouinard, CRCSlide 25 Antenna Gain and Cross-Polarization Discrimination Test Results (continued) Tests on Ch-38 for different antenna heights. Yagi antenna for both Tx. and Rx. Height differences of 2.3 m and 2.8 m Co-pol pattern Cross-pol pattern -14 dB
doc.: IEEE /0308r0 Submission September 2008 Gerald Chouinard, CRCSlide 26 Proposed UHF reference antenna pattern for CPEs Comparison with simulated DTV antennas –Winegard P-4040 –Channel Master CM-4248 Field tests of cross-polar antenna isolation for 10 m separation Proposed UHF antenna pattern to be used in interference calculation with DTV Outline
doc.: IEEE /0308r0 Submission September 2008 Gerald Chouinard, CRCSlide 27 Proposed UHF CPE antenna pattern for interference calculations into DTV reception Based on cos 4 mainlobe and 14 dB backlobe and cross-polar discrimination.
doc.: IEEE /0308r0 Submission September 2008 Gerald Chouinard, CRCSlide 28 References _WRAN_CPE_AND DTV_RX_Coupling.ppt _Antenna cross-polar tests.ppt Sangbum Kim, Samsung Electronics