Time Value of Money Saving is NOT Investing! Saving is what people do to meet short term goals. Investments assume interest will be earned over time. Investing early can allow you earn more for the future. Therefore, there is a time value of money when interest is applied – Present value & Future value.
Interest The payment you receive for allowing a financial institution to use your money. Is compounding – earning interest on your interest. The Rule of 72 – you money is making more money even while you sleep. Video:
Types of Investments Checking and savings accounts, Certificates of deposit (CDs), Money market accounts, Treasury bonds, Mutual funds, Stocks, Commodities Video:
Risky Business There are risks and reward for investing. Sometime the market will be up and sometimes it will be down. Different types of investments incur more or less risks (p. 33). Video:
Bonds Bonds are sold by companies and governments to raise money. You are lending out your money to a company or government. In return, they agree to give you interest on your money and eventually pay you back the amount you lent out. Relative safe investments - your investment is virtually guaranteed. Because there is little risk, there is little potential return. As a result, the rate of return on bonds is generally lower than other securities.
Stocks When you purchase stocks, you become a part owner of the business. Entitled to vote at the shareholder's meeting and allows you to receive any profits in the form of dividends. Compared to bonds, stocks provide relatively high potential returns. A price for this potential: you must assume the risk of losing some or all of your investment.
Mutual Funds A mutual fund is a collection of stocks and bonds. You are pooling your money with a number of other investors, which in turn enables you (as part of a group) to pay a professional manager to select specific securities for you. Mutual funds are all set up with a specific strategy in mind, and their distinct focus can be nearly anything: large stocks, small stocks, bonds from governments, bonds from companies, stocks and bonds, stocks in certain industries, and stocks in certain countries. The primary advantage of a mutual fund is that you can invest your money without needing the time or the experience in choosing investments.
The Power of Compounding Reading on the webpage: The extraordinary power of compound interestThe extraordinary power of compound interest Sections to read: Saving is the key to wealth The power of compounding The growth of a single $5,000 contribution The growth of annual $5,000 contributions
Askin’ all them questions… According to this article, how do most people get rich or wealthy? What is the difference between investing a single amount and investing a single amount plus annual contributions? What happens if you wait until next year to invest instead of investing now?
Practice – Money: Savings & Investments Chapter 11, Financial Markets, Chapter Assessment, pgs Complete all