C ASE S TUDY ON B ARACK O BAMA ’ S S TRATEGY Deepak Joshi Sekhar Dahal Jackson Subedi Sakar Sharma Sarvesh Mainali 1
I NTRODUCTION First African-American president of the US 44 th president of the US Opportunity to create history Birth date - Aug 4, 1961 Majored in Political Science from Columbia University in entered Harvard Law School elected as the first black president of the Harvard Law Review Obama – Characteristics 2
C AREER Illinois State Senator ( ) U.S. Senate member ( ) First African-American president of the U.S (Nov ) 3
T HE O BAMA CAMPAIGN Internet Savvy X-Box Games Internet sites- “FighttheSmears” Facebook, Myspace, Blackplanet, Glee, Linkedin Segmented and Targeted voters through these sites 4
M C C AIN ’ S CAMPAIGN Concentrated advertising on media Later introduced ‘McCainSpace’ Illiterate in comparision with Obama (Tech Savvy) 7 years combatant, POW (Prisoners of War) 5
R ESULT WebsiteObamaMcCain Facebook 2 Million600,000 Twitter 112, You Tube Subscribers 115,00028,000 Viewer Visits97 million2 Million 6
H OW DID THIS HELP O BAMA ? Obama brand Youth focus Advantage over McCain 4 P’s of BHO Victory with the extensive use of technology 7
Gracias 8