The Use of Clinical Guidelines for Education Efforts in the Academic Setting
Edward P. Sloan, MD, MPH Associate Professor Department of Emergency Medicine University of Illinois at Chicago Chicago, IL
Attending Physician Our Lady of the Resurrection Medical Center Chicago, IL Attending Physician University of Illinois Hospital Chicago, IL
Acknowledgements Andy Jagoda Professor Mount Sinai School of Medicine New York, NY William Dalsey ACEP Chairman, ACEP Clinical Policies Committee Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital New Brunswick, NJ Nederlandse Vereniging van Spoedeisende Hulp Artsen Our Amsterdam Hosts
Setting As an academic Emergency Physician, you are asked to give a lecture to your Emergency Medicine residents regarding traumatic brain injury (TBI).
Questions How do you maximize learning? Medical literature for educational efforts? What clinical guidelines exist? Clinical guidelines in lecture?
Questions Internet resources to enhance efforts? Report on development of lecture? Lecture available to largest audience?
Key Learning Points Lectures should utilize clinical guidelines Medical literature and internet search Maximize experience with content Inform learners on search method See for relevant examples
Maximizing Learning Ask clinically relevant questions Illustrate relevance of questions Provide key learning points
Maximizing Learning Utilize visuals for content interest Process by which info was obtained Provide opportunity for questions
Maximizing Learning Provide outcome for patient cases Provide reference list and bibliography Use Q&A for CME purposes Documentation and medico-legal issues
Utilizing the Medical Literature Conduct search using MEDLINE/PubMed Utilize relevant key words Obtain whole article for context Guidelines, clinical trials, and case series
Finding Clinical Guidelines Availability at Relevant foundations’ websites Physician organizations’ websites
Turning Guidelines into Lecture Content Address situations and therapies Therapies for different situations Recommendation based on evidence
Turning Guidelines into Lecture Content Therapies and issues not in guidelines Future research to enhance quality Public health issues Efforts to disseminate clinical info
Utilizing Internet Resources Radiology teaching files Name all websites used Paste important pages into presentation
Process Info Provided to Learners Words used in the following searches: MEDLINE/PubMed search
Process Info Provided to Learners Provide navigation methods for websites Cut/paste info from website Name of website with lecture Useful websites for additional info
Maximizing Lecture Availability Content in written format at meeting PDF file format Provide free PDF software CD-ROM with written lecture and slides
Maximizing Lecture Availability Content without PowerPoint software Videostream on internet Possible to download content off internet
Conclusions Information explosion Technology expansion Focus on guidelines Need to optimize patient care
Recommendations Simplify information Utilize guidelines Use technology to enhance process Optimize cost, quality, access