Human Resources Information Reemployment Process Licensure Advancement Successes Teacher Evaluation Updates Staffing Strategies Retirement Sessions
LCPS Reemployment Sessions Notice of reemployment; termination (NMSA 22-10A-22) On or before the last day of the school year of the existing employment contract, the local school board or the governing authority of the state agency shall serve written notice of reemployment or termination on each certified school instruction employed by the school district. During our sessions with you, we found that, O your professionalism is commendable O most of you provided intensive support for struggling teachers O most of you had good documentation and discussion on marginal or ineffective teachers
Temp Terminates, 1 st or 2 nd year Certified Employees O Temp Terminates—temporary employees who do not have a guarantee of a job beyond the contract year. O 1st or 2nd year Certified Employees— O New Mexico School Personnel Act (NMSA 22-10A-24) district may terminate an employee with fewer than three years of consecutive service for any reason it deems sufficient. Upon request of the employee, the superintendent or administrator shall provide written reasons for the decision to terminate. The reasons shall be provided within ten working days of the request. O NEA CBA (p.38, #7)...1st and 2nd year certified employees will be notified in writing via a memo of concern, post observation tool, or PDP of any areas needing improvement as soon as areas of improvement are determined by the certified employee’s supervisor(s).
What Happens after Re-employment Sessions? O May 4Letters of Reemployment Status for employees recommended for re-employment released via Visions O May 4Temporary terminates will receive a notification of non-renewal O May day window for employees to accept/reject their offers of employment for the school year O May 26-29Control code sessions at PDC (glass room)
Licensure Advancement
Licensure Advancements Round 1 (February-March) O Level I to II20 O Level II to III44 Round 2 (May) O Level I to II[TBD] O Level II to III[TBD]
Teacher Evaluation
Teacher Evaluation Update O April 15Upload all evaluations O April 21FMLA (final deadline for any paperwork from teacher) O April 22-24HR to upload teacher attendance to NMPED O April 30Summative evaluations to be released to districts O May 4-15Administrator(s) review summative evaluations with teachers. O May 18DUE: Signed copies of summative evaluation submitted to Tracie O’Hara in HR for employee personnel file Note: The attendance data submitted for will range from August 5, 2014 to April 15, However, please note future Summative Evaluation attendance will range from April 16 of the current year through April 15 of the following year.
Staffing Strategies
O Review staff endorsements (via Visions) to determine assets in your building O Visit with staff to let them know of the emerging needs for the coming school year O Remind staff that they are employees of the district (not a school or grade level) O Staffing assignments are based on needs of students
Staffing Strategies (cont.) O ELLs --Do you have the staff to offer the appropriate program? --If not, contact the Bilingual Department for Assistance --Who is proficient? --If proficient, transition them to TESOL teacher O SPED --Look at Continuum of Services --Remember that inclusion is not a “one size fits all” for students with disabilities not all students benefit from --SPED Teachers as Team Teachers (v. simply walking around classroom)
Retirement Sessions
O April 4:00 p.m.—Board Room O May 4:00 p.m.—Board Room O May 4:00 p.m.—Board Room Register online at: development/retirement/ development/retirement/ Yolanda will have information readily work history available for staff if they have registered ahead of time.
Thank You!