Studying Test Taking Communicating with your Professors Preparing Physically
Studying Before you begin studying find out the format of your test and what it will cover (E.g. Is the entire exam short answer? Is the exam cumulative?). Go through your notes, texts, related primary sources and handouts, and then set aside materials you don’t need Seek information from people who have already taken the course: how difficult the instructor’s tests are, whether they focus primarily on assigned readings or on class notes etc.
Studying Use the SQ3R (Scan/Survey, Question, Read, Record/Recite and Review) reading method when reviewing your materials Scan/Survey: Pre-read an assigned chapter (headings, vocabulary, illustrations, tables, chapter summary). Surveying also includes reading the first and last sentence in a paragraph. Question: Who, what, when, where and why? If you cannot answer the questions, you should find the answers as you read along.
Studying Read: Read slowly and carefully. Cannot skip this step even though it is time consuming. Do not move ahead if you don’t understand the previous section. Take notes and highlight. Several methods of taking notes include: charts, outlines, key words, mind maps, flash cards, summaries and time lines. Record/Recite: Discuss the material you just read with a friend or recite the information aloud Review: Survey the chapter once more. Look at highlighted areas and notes. This step will help you store and retain this information in long-term memory.
Studying Reviewing your class notes on the same day you take them! 1:3 ratio Look over your class notes and make sure that they are complete and accurate Make note of anything that was confusing Plan for short, frequent review sessions
Studying Based on a 1 hour lecture Day 1- Leave the lecture knowing 100% of what you know Day 2- If you have done nothing with the information you will have lost 50-80% of what you learned Day 7- We remember even less Day 30- We only retain about 2-3% of the original hour
Studying Day 2- If you spend 10 minutes reviewing after the lecture you will raise the curve to 100% Day 7- It only takes 5 minutes to re-activate the material Day 30- You will only need 2-4 minutes to reactive the material If you don’t review it will take you minutes to re-learn each hour of material
Studying Prepare a study schedule- consider your study materials, the number of days until the test, and the time you can study each day Take a pretest- E.g. Some textbooks have questions at the end of every chapter. If this is not the case create your own test questions.
Studying There are many benefits to studying with others- whether it’s one other person or a group Study buddies can help you to: Enhance understanding of your course material Master key concepts Review for tests and exams Work with others with whom you feel comfortable and whom you believe to be dependable Assign work and a set schedule
Test Taking General strategies to help you succeed on tests: Write down key facts- Before you even look at the exam write down key information (E.g. Formulas, definitions etc) Begin with an overview of the exam- Take a few minutes and look through the exam. Take into consideration the number of questions in each section, and their point values. Use this information to schedule your time.
Test Taking Read test directions- (E.g. Only answer 80 of the 100 multiple choice questions) Begin with the easy questions- Begin with those that seem easiest to you. You can answer these questions quickly, leaving more time for questions that require greater effort. Watch the clock- keep track of how much time is left and how you are progressing
Communicating With Your Professors At the beginning of every semester you should drop by your professors office, during his/her office hours and introduce yourself Take advantage of your professor's and teaching assistants (T.A.) office hours If you are having difficulty with the course material meet immediately with your professor or T.A.
Prepare Physically Get adequate amounts of sleep- adequate amounts of sleep have an impact on your memory Eat healthy- Avoid foods high in sugar. Avoid large amounts caffeine- Too much caffeine can make it difficult to focus 3 meals a day- Eating nothing leaves you drained, and eating too much food can make you sleepy
Good luck with your exams!