Richard Campbell, Christopher R. Martin, Media Essentials with VideoCentral 2nd Edition Richard Campbell, Christopher R. Martin, & Bettina Fabos Second Edition ©2013 ISBN-10: 1-4576-0108-7 ISBN-13: 978-1-4576-0108-8
WHAT TO BUY Required Text/Site Available Formats Media Essentials Paperback e-Books (1/2 the cost of the print book) Bedford e-Book to Go: downloadable e-Book accessible on a computer, iPad, or large-screen Android tablet Media Essentials with VideoCentral 2nd Edition Richard Campbell, Christopher R. Martin, & Bettina Fabos Second Edition ©2013 ISBN-10: 1-4576-0108-7 ISBN-13: 978-1-4576-0108-8 CourseSmart e-Book: downloadable e-Book accessible on a computer or via app on the iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, Android devices, Kindle Fire, Nook Color, or Nook Tablet
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WHY YOU NEED IT 1. It is required for this course 2. It will help you get a better grade. Period. This book includes: Visual highlighting that helps students focus on essential themes and pivotal development Unique “Money In and Money Out” sections help students understand the dollars and cents behind the scenes The most useful suite of learning tools available, including “Media Literacy” case studies, handy lists of chapter objectives, valuable timelines, and unique “Chapter Essentials” study guides You will have assigned homework and we will test from material found in this book.
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