The Da Vinci Code By Ashley 8-2
Response If I had to choose only one word to describe this book it would be exhilarating. Why? Because Dan Brown successfully creates a wild hunt for his characters Robert Langdon and Sophie Neveu. There is no end in twists and turns, which made their search for The Holy Grail a thrilling mystery. It is not surprise that this book has received high praise and that it became an international best seller for it is truly a spectacular book. All the codes and symbols are fascinating, yet more reasons why Dan Brown’s Robert Langdon series became a hit around the world.
Exposition Characters: Robert Langdon – symbologist Sophie Neveu – curator’s granddaughter, cryotgrapher Sir Leigh Teabing – Holy Grail expert Silas – member of the Brotherhood Jacques Sauniere - curator Setting: Paris, France – main setting The Louvre – museum in Paris Westminster Abbey – church Rosslyn Chapel - church
Rising Action Jacques Sauniere is murdered Investigation: Robert Langdon called to go investigate the crime scene Confused: Langdon does not understand what the curator wanted in his final moment
Climax Langdon and Sophie visit Sir Teabing New Knowledge: Sir Teabing helps the pair by giving them information on the Holy Grail Understanding: Langdon starts to slightly understand what the curator wanted
Falling Action Langdon and Sophie find the Teacher’s identity Teabing is captured Langdon and Sophie go to Westminster Abbey Searching for clues in Newton’s tomb Langdon and Sophie are followed Teacher asks to meet them
Resolution Sophie finds her long-lost brother and grandmother Purpose Revealed: Jacques wanted to reunite his granddaughter with his wife Holy Grail Found: Jacques Sauniere’s final clue makes Langdon realize the whereabouts of the Holy Grail
Theme Persistence is key. Even though there were many challenges and there were many things at stake, Langdon and Sophie did not give up. They kept trying and persisting until they found out what Sophie’s grandfather wanted them to find.
Conflict Person v. Society: Langdon versus the French police. The French police believe that Robert is guilty because of Jacques Sauniere’s murder. They keep trying to track him down. However, Langdon always manages to escape them.
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