Creating Environments That Promote Healthy Choices Dr. Ivan Barrow, Assistant Chief of Pediatrics Kaiser Permanente West Los Angeles Medical Center
Some Children are More Likely to be Overweight % Overweight Kids & Teens in 2000 NHANES JAMA 2002;288: Yr6-11 Yr12-19 Yr White Non-HispanicBlack Non-HispanicMexican American % Overweight Teenagers Black, Mexican American, American Indian, Alaskan Native Children of overweight parents
Childhood Obesity In Los Angeles County
The older the overweight child is, the more likely he/she will continue to be overweight as an adult. 8 out of 10 overweight teens will continue to be overweight as adults. Preventive Medicine 1993; Vol. 22:pp Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med Vol. 158 May 2004 pp Do Overweight Children Grow Up to be Overweight Adults? % Overweight Children who Become Obese Adults Percentage Infants Preschool School Age Adolescent
Type 2 diabetes Heart disease Hypertension Asthma Sleep apnea Depression and low self-esteem Pediatrics Vol. 112 No. 2 August 2003 pp What Health Problems are Related to Being Overweight?
Not enough physical activity Too much screen time TV, computer, video games Not enough milk, dairy, fruits and vegetables Too many sweetened drinks Too much fast food Skipping meals Position Paper - Prevention of Childhood Overweight What Should Be Done? Center for Weight and Health - U.C. Berkeley 10/02 Behaviors Related to Children Becoming Overweight
Our Approach to Overweight and Obesity MEDICAL OFFICE VISIT INTERVENTIONS BMI Screening Physician Counseling Patient Education Materials Referral and Follow-Up WEIGHT MANAGEMENT INTERVENTIONS Individual Counseling Group Programs Intensive Programs Internet Resources ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGES School Programs Work Site Programs Community Programs Legislation & Partnerships
BMI as a vital sign is now the KP standard of care, as well as a HEDIS requirement. Counseling for Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Screen Time Messaging Pediatric Medical Office Visits
HEAL Cities Los Angeles County Department of Public Health The Weight of the Nation documentary series and campaign A nationwide campaign launched by Kaiser Permanente, HBO, the Institute of Medicine, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Institutes of Health, and the Michael & Susan Dell Foundation Community Partnerships
Kaiser Permanente West Los Angeles Medical Center Public Affairs Department (323) Contact Information