Created by: Breajah Thompson Period: 1 Winter Holiday Celebrations Las Posadas HanukkahKwanzaa
Las Posadas Part 1
Who celebrates this holiday? Mexican culture. Latin Americans Catholic Mexicans Home Las Posadas
Why do people celebrate this holiday? To remember the pilgrimage. Joseph and Mary ask for lodging. Las Posadas Home
When does this holiday take place? December 16 th -24 th. Night time. Home
What are some traditions of this holiday? A procession begins led by two children carrying a small pine-decorated platform bearing replicas of Joseph and Marry riding a burro. They are joined by people carrying candles and singing prayers. They visit different houses each night and ask for lodging. Home Las Posadas
Are there special decorations for this holiday? The people carry candles while they journey to each house and sing. They hang Piñatas. Midnight of Christmas Eve, the birth of Christ is announced- fireworks, ringing bells whistles blowing. Home Las Posadas
Are there special foods eaten for this holiday? Variety of peppers Hot fruit punch Hot fruits Peppers Home Las Posadas
Is there special clothing worn for this holiday? Children dress as shepherds Home Las Posadas
Where is this holiday celebrated? Mexico Anywhere HomeLas Posadas
Hanukkah Part 2
Who celebrates this holiday? Jewish Hebrews Home
Why do people celebrate this holiday? Honor of Jewish victory Rededicate the Temple Victory of Jews over the Syrian-Greeks. Home
When does this holiday take place? Late November or early December depending on the Hebrew calendar. Last for 8 days. Home Hanukkah
What are some traditions of this holiday? Lighting the Menorah. Reciting blessings. Exchanging gifts. Play a game called Dreidel. Hanukkah Home
Are there special decorations for this holiday? Menorah Dreidel HomeHanukkah
Are there special foods eaten for this holiday? Pretzels Latke (potato pancake) Sufganiyot (jelly doughnut) HomeHanukkah
Is there special clothing worn for this holiday? Kipah (head cap) No special clothing unless they want to dress up for the candle light ceremony. Home Hanukkah
Where is this holiday celebrated? Anywhere there is a Jewish person's home. Jerusalem, Bethlehem Israel Home Hanukkah
Kwanzaa Part 3
Who celebrates this holiday? African Americans. Home Kwanzaa
Why do people celebrate this holiday? To honor African heritage, culture, and unity. Home Kwanzaa
When does this holiday take place? Dec 26 th - Jan 1 Last for seven days Home Kwanzaa
What are some traditions of this holiday? Lighting a kinara. Pouring of libations. Feast Gifts Home Kwanzaa
Are there special decorations for this holiday? Kinara (candle holder) Mkeka (Mat) Mancala (game) Home Kwanzaa
Are there special foods eaten for this holiday? Jambalaya/jambalaya soup Chicken & dumplings Jamaican jerk pork HomeKwanzaa
Is there special clothing worn for this holiday? Kaftan Kente dashiki HomeKwanzaa
Where is this holiday celebrated? Africa Anywhere Home Kwanzaa